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massacre etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
massacre etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Banana Wars

Banana Wars (1898–1934):
It’s a series of wars conducted by the United States of America to control the neighboring countries to preserve the American commercial interest in these regions also strengthen the central American power in this region. During this war Spain signed “The Treaty of Paris” and give up its controlled Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines to United States. Later, they occupied Panama, Honduras, Nicaragua, Mexico, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic by using military forces.

Banana Massacre: In 1928, the United Fruit Company went against the union workers with the help of Columbian military they massacred and killed merely 2,000 workers.

Part of Banana Wars:
  • Nicaragua (1912–1933)
  • Haiti (1915–1934)
  • Dominican Republic (1916–1924)

Shoko Asahara

Shoko Asahara is a famous Japanese cult leader, who was born in 2nd March, 1955. He found a new religion called “Aum Shinrikyo” an extract form of various religious ideas. He preaches pseudoscience, Nostradamus, Hinduism and Buddhism in the name of “Aum Shinrikyo”. His left eye is blind and right eye had partial sight. He was enrolled in Japanese blind school and blind college in Japan. In 1977, he graduated in acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine practice. In 1981, he convicted for selling drugs without proper license and was fined 200,000 yen.

Aum Shinrikyo:

Later Asahara went to India; there he learnt yoga, Hinduism and Buddhism. In 1984, Asahara came back from India and started cult religion group called “Aum Shinrikyo Organisation” in Japan.  The organisation had 40,000 deities all over the world including many Russians, Chinese and Americans. Asahara declared himself as a god from heaven who gives freedom form materialistic life. He made believes to his deities as “I’m the only one can save your life from this sinful world like Jesus Christ”. All over the world people donated millions and millions to “Aum Shinrikyo” organisation.

Mean while Asahara starts his illegal underground works and various terror activities. He planned to build a biological weapon factory, produce military artilleries, and nuclear plant. Aum Shinrikyo higher level deities are involved in this criminal operation and also they collect sources and raw materials with the help of the followers (higher level politicians, scientist and others). And followed so many things which already produced and implement

·         Sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway (1995)
·         Produce Military Weapons – (imported illegally)
·         Produce Biological weapons
·         Purchase the army helicopter illegally
·         Nuclear weapon

Massacre in Japan’s Tokyo Subway Trains:
In 1995, five Aum Shinrikyo members were attacked by using Poisonous gas. They killed 27 people and injured 1000’s of Japanese. And also the members leak the poisonous gas in judiciary head residential area which killed one and many affected. And also planned to kill the Japan Emperor and place himself as an emperor.

At first the Japan intelligence suspect North Korea but later they found culprits and Asahara. He was also accused for lawyer Sakamoto family murder in 1989. He was sentenced for death by hanging in 2004. But his further appeals were refused by the Japan Supreme Court.

Genghis Khan

Genghis Khan (1206-1227) was a great Mongol warrior. He was a founder of Mongol empire by uniting the northeast Asian tribes. He was originally called as “Temujin” but after founding the Mongol empire he announce himself as “Genghis Khan”. 

He captured most of the Eurasia and invaded various Kara-Khitan Khanate, Caucasus, Khwarezmid Empire, Western Xia and Jin dynasties, few parts in Middle East Asia, Russia and Eastern Europe.  Before his death he captured sub continent of central Asia and china.

Genghis Khan is still famous for mass massacres. During his invasion in Khwarezmia he killed almost all the civilians in the nation. Mongol empires killed 40 million innocent people during their invasions. "Genghis Khan" the name which always gives a fearsome look in history.

Modern Mongolians are celebrating him as a founder and father of Mongolia

Cyrus the Great

Cyrus the Great (600 BC or 576 BC – 530BC) was a great warrior and the founder of the Persian Empire under the Achaemenid dynasty. Cyrus the Great was one the largest empire in the world. He expands his regain mostly southwest Asia, central Asia, and Indus River in east and up to part of Europe Mediterranean Sea in west. His achievements in Human rights, politics, war strategies and also he had an influence of both western and eastern cultural.

He also known as King of Babylon, King of Persia, King of Media, King of Anshan, Akkad and King of Sumer, King of the four corners of the World.

Alexander The Great

Alexander III the Macedon (356 BC Pella – 323 BC Babylon) was a king of Macedon (Northern part of Greece). In Ancient history, Alexander the Great Considered one the largest empire in the world at the age of 30. He was a student of Great philosopher called “Aristotle”. In his lifetime he never undefeated by anyone and his kingdom stretched from Lonian sea to Himalaya. After the series of invasion, he was fall in ill and died in Babylon at 323 BC.

While he was ten, the horse was traded from Thessaly. The horse refused to mount anyone and Phillip ordered to take away. Finally, Alexander managed to turn and controlled the horse and then he named the horse “Bucephalus”. Phillip was amazed by Alexander brave act and says “"My boy, you must find a kingdom big enough for your ambitions. Macedon is too small for you". Throughout the whole journeys of Alexander was combined with “Bucephalus”. During the Invasion of India, Bucephalus was killed.

Alexander invaded Thrace, Illyria, Greece, Asia Minor, Syria, Babylonia, Persia, Sogdiana, and part of India.  He had titles “King of Macedon, Hegemon of the Hellenic League, Shah-an-shah of Persia, Pharaoh of Egypt and Lord of Asia”.


Timur (1336-1405) founder of the Timurid Empire and Timurid dynasty. He ruled 35 years from 1370. He is known as "Tamerlane". He was born in Turkic (Shahrisabz, Uzbekistan).  He was also a great-grandson of Babur, Founder of Mughal Dynasty.

While he captured the city of Aleppo, he told: "I am not a man of blood, and God is my witness that in all my wars I have never been the aggressor and that my enemies have always been the authors of their own calamity."

In 1398 he invaded Delhi, India. He faced 120 war elephants were the tasks put poison. He used fire sticks and place fire bag which tied with camel and they sent the camels towards the elephants to made panic. Then he captured the city and 100,000 captivities were prisoned.

In 1400 he invaded the Christians in Georgia and Armenia. He captured 60,000 local people as slaves and most of the people were relocated. In 1401 he captured Baghdad and he killed 20,000 people.


Tasmanian Aborigines Genocide

During 1803 – 1823 British colonialist captured the Tasmanian island and killed thousands of  Tasmanian Tribes. In 1828 Lt.Governor George Arthur declared a law called “Black Catching”. They have thrown all the Tasmanian into the forest. Later British colonialist started hunting the Tasmanians and killed them.

Before 1803, 3,000 to 15,000 Aborigines were lived. After the British invasion 1860,s it became reduced. Only 72 men, 3 women, and a few children. They were treated like a slave.

In 1869, it became very worse only 3 females and 1 male was lived.

Last Survivor in Tasmanian Aborigines "Palawa"

Last full-blooded “Palawa” Tasmanian Aborigine female called “Trugernanner”. Even her’s last request was refused by the colonials and she’s died in 1872.  The Tasmanian chapter comes an end.

Armenian Genocide

Dead Armenian girl in Aleppo desert

Armenian Genocide (1892 - 1917)

During 1892-1894, 80,000 to 300,000 Armenians were lost there life and 1915-1919, There were merely 1.5 million Armenians lost their life...