The Unforgotten ManNikola Tesla (1856-1943) was a Serbian American and well known for his famous modern Alternative current system (AC). He was one of the most famous futuristic person in his time and great inventor in electrical engineer & mechanical engineer. Some of his intellectual designs like...
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inventor etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
inventor etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Alexander The Great
By Bayram Cigerli at 08:19
alexander, Aristotle, Great Greek Philosophers, history, inventor, massacre, Philosophy, Socrates, war, war history, world history, world history ancient history
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Alexander III the Macedon (356 BC Pella – 323 BC Babylon) was a king of Macedon (Northern part of Greece). In Ancient history, Alexander the Great Considered one the largest empire in the world at the age of 30. He was a student of Great philosopher called “Aristotle”. In his lifetime he never undefeated...
Chandraguptha Maurya
By Bayram Cigerli at 20:32
chandraguptha maurya, history, indian history, inventor, Kalinga War, war, war history, world history, world history ancient history
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In 323 B.C., after the death of Alexander the new wave started in India and its sub continent. A man who defeat the strong Magadha kingdom from the Ganges valley and after next 24 years he conquered the northern India.His name was called Chandraguptha Maurya (340 BC – 298 BC) and he was trained by the...
Galileo Galilei
By Bayram Cigerli at 12:19
galileo, history, inventor, nicolaus copernicus, world famous Astronomer, world history
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Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) was a great Italian scientific who played a vital in the Modern Scientific Revolution. He was a physicist, philosopher, mathematician, and astronomer. He developed the telescope successfully and applied for astronomical observation of stars, planets, and moons....
Robert Bunsen
Robert Wilhelm Eberhard Bunsen (1811-1899) was a German Chemist and a Pioneer in Photo-chemistry. With his assistant help, he developed the “Bunsen burner” for laboratory usage. In 1860 he discovery “Caesium” and next year 1861 he discovered another element called “Rubidium”. He introduced various...