Alexander Grothendieck : Alman asıllı bir Fransız matematikçidir . Berlin ‘ de 1928 ‘ de doğmuştur . Cebirsel geometriyle ilgili çalışmalarıyla tanınır . 1966 ‘ da Fields madalyasını kazandı . Cebirsel geometriyi ilerilere götürmüştür .&nb...
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alexander etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
alexander etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Alexander The Great
By Bayram Cigerli at 08:19
alexander, Aristotle, Great Greek Philosophers, history, inventor, massacre, Philosophy, Socrates, war, war history, world history, world history ancient history
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Alexander III the Macedon (356 BC Pella – 323 BC Babylon) was a king of Macedon (Northern part of Greece). In Ancient history, Alexander the Great Considered one the largest empire in the world at the age of 30. He was a student of Great philosopher called “Aristotle”. In his lifetime he never undefeated...
Battle of Gaugamela
By Bayram Cigerli at 20:22
alexander, battle of gaugamela, history, war, war history, world history, world history ancient history
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Battle of Gaugamela (331 BC) was one of the greatest battles between Alexander the Great (Macedon) and Darius III of Persia (Achaemenid Empire). Darius III was ready with his infantry, chariots and war elephants to fight against Alexander. Darius III suppose to won that battle but due to Alexander’s...