In United States of America, There are two great leaders who contribute their whole life for African-American freedom and black people’s liberty. One is Martin Luther King Jr was a great African-American leader who believed in non violence and followed Christianity and the another was Malcolm X who...
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Black war etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Black war etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
By Bayram Cigerli at 08:25
Black war, spartans, war, war history, world history, world history ancient history
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Sparta is the ancient city of Greece and its peoples are called “Spartan”. Spartans soldiers were had no fear and bravest warriors in the world. They were specially trained for war and fighting to serve in military. At the age of 7 Spartan boys were leaved their family and start training for battle....
Tasmanian Aborigines Genocide
By Bayram Cigerli at 22:34
Black war, genocide, history, last women, massacre, Tasmanian Aborigines Genocide, war history, world history
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During 1803 – 1823 British colonialist captured the Tasmanian island and killed thousands of Tasmanian Tribes. In 1828 Lt.Governor George Arthur declared a law called “Black Catching”. They have thrown all the Tasmanian into the forest. Later British colonialist started hunting the Tasmanians...