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shoko asahara; aum shinrikyo; tokyo subway incident; sarin gas attack; cult leader; japan massacre etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
shoko asahara; aum shinrikyo; tokyo subway incident; sarin gas attack; cult leader; japan massacre etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Shoko Asahara

Shoko Asahara is a famous Japanese cult leader, who was born in 2nd March, 1955. He found a new religion called “Aum Shinrikyo” an extract form of various religious ideas. He preaches pseudoscience, Nostradamus, Hinduism and Buddhism in the name of “Aum Shinrikyo”. His left eye is blind and right eye had partial sight. He was enrolled in Japanese blind school and blind college in Japan. In 1977, he graduated in acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine practice. In 1981, he convicted for selling drugs without proper license and was fined 200,000 yen.

Aum Shinrikyo:

Later Asahara went to India; there he learnt yoga, Hinduism and Buddhism. In 1984, Asahara came back from India and started cult religion group called “Aum Shinrikyo Organisation” in Japan.  The organisation had 40,000 deities all over the world including many Russians, Chinese and Americans. Asahara declared himself as a god from heaven who gives freedom form materialistic life. He made believes to his deities as “I’m the only one can save your life from this sinful world like Jesus Christ”. All over the world people donated millions and millions to “Aum Shinrikyo” organisation.

Mean while Asahara starts his illegal underground works and various terror activities. He planned to build a biological weapon factory, produce military artilleries, and nuclear plant. Aum Shinrikyo higher level deities are involved in this criminal operation and also they collect sources and raw materials with the help of the followers (higher level politicians, scientist and others). And followed so many things which already produced and implement

·         Sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway (1995)
·         Produce Military Weapons – (imported illegally)
·         Produce Biological weapons
·         Purchase the army helicopter illegally
·         Nuclear weapon

Massacre in Japan’s Tokyo Subway Trains:
In 1995, five Aum Shinrikyo members were attacked by using Poisonous gas. They killed 27 people and injured 1000’s of Japanese. And also the members leak the poisonous gas in judiciary head residential area which killed one and many affected. And also planned to kill the Japan Emperor and place himself as an emperor.

At first the Japan intelligence suspect North Korea but later they found culprits and Asahara. He was also accused for lawyer Sakamoto family murder in 1989. He was sentenced for death by hanging in 2004. But his further appeals were refused by the Japan Supreme Court.