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New York City etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
New York City etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

The City

My Dad has been working on a temporary assignment in New York City for some time and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to see him, as well as one of my favorite cities, before his assignment was over. To top it all off, my Mom was game too, so we decided to all meet up in the city and do a bit of exploring.The...

Canada Summer 2013: Riding Amtrak Adirondack Train from New York City to Montreal

August 8, 2013 -- The trip began in Washington, D.C. where I boarded the BoltBus intercity bus service for the four hour plus ride to midtown Manhattan. I stayed with family in Battery Park City for the night and early the next morning took the subway to Penn Station to get ready for the 11-hour, 381...

Autumn Brown

Time to grab a beer!! This one is a new one for me. I live close to Chico, where the Sierra Nevada Brewery is, but have never tried this Autumn Brown Ale (photo credit). I think I would like it, as it looks dark enough for my tastes. Hmmm..You know the drill. This is the point where we grab a beverage,...

I Run New York

50 cent ain't got nothin' on me! So you may have heard the song that he sings? I Run New York? I think he's talking about how long his gun is and how important he is in the City, but I, I actually RUN New York. Yeah. MOVE OVER, 50 (fitty); I will do the running of New York, thank you very much.Last...

Photos: Remembering 9/11 and Victims of Terrorism

Since September 11, 2001 I've had the opportunity to visit New York City numerous times and have always made it a point to walk around Ground Zero to check on the progress in rebuilding the site of so much suffering and pain, but also so much hope and optimism that America can rebuild from the ashes....