I got up at 6, ate breakfast and headed down to the race start, which was about one mile from my hotel. I was going to wear shorts, but it was about 45 degrees and a little windy outside, so at the last minute I opted for pants. I wore my iFitness belt, which has a bib holder, and my Chica Band in Zebra....
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10 Mile Race etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
10 Mile Race etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Cherry Blossom: Pros and Cons
By bayramcigerli at 03:00
10 Mile Race, 2012, Cherry Blossom 10 Mile Run, Destination Race, Pros and Cons, Races, Running, Washington DC
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Yesterday I ran the Cherry Blossom 10 Mile race in Washington DC. I have been lucky enough to have been to DC several times before, so I did not feel pressured to go and see all the sights or stand in really long lines to get into the museums (the line for the Natural History was all the way down the...
Race You to The Finish!
By bayramcigerli at 03:00
10 Mile Race, 2012, Cherry Blossom 10 Mile Run, Destination Race, Fitness Friday, Races, Virtual Race
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Have you ever signed up for a race via lottery? What about a race that was not close to where you lived? I have done it twice. The first one was the NYC Half Marathon. I had just completed my first half marathon and when my friend said he was going to put his name in the lottery, I thought why the heck...
Women Run The Cities: Part II
By Rohat Fatih at 03:30
10 Mile Race, 2011, All Women Race, blog buddies, Blogger Meetup, California International Marathon, Fitness Friday, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Race Recap, Races, Running
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As I mentioned in this post, I had a wonderful time last weekend with Lisa in the beautiful city of Minneapolis. But we didn't just eat and see the sights. One of the things that I went to visit for was the Women Run the Cities 10 Mile Race, located in Minnehaha Park. The night before I set out all...