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Pros and Cons etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Pros and Cons etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Squamish 50k: Pros & Cons

Last weekend I took a quick trip up to BC to run the Squamish 50 with Amber (it was her first Ultra and she did such a great job). I flew in on Thursday evening, spent Friday in Vancouver (more on that later) and drove up to Squamish on Friday evening (more on THAT later too!)Friday was the packet pickup,...

Nike Womens Marathon: Pros & Cons

Marathon #3 is behind me now! It was nice to run a race so close to home. Thanks to Yurbuds, who sponsored me for this race, as well as Fitfluential, who got set it up! Now, here are the pros and cons of the race! The recap is coming shortly! The Start Line @ 7 amPros: - Good snacks at the end....

See Jane Run: Pros and Cons

This post could have also been named: What Was I Thinking?I prefer smaller races. There, I said it. By smaller, sometimes I mean less people and mostly I mean less commercialism. I don't mind not getting a t-shirt if it means I can feel like a person instead of a number. I don't mind the results being...

Grizzly Peak Trail Run

For race number four of the 12 in 2012 Running Challenge, I chose to run my first trail race, the Grizzly Peak Trail Run hosted by Coastal Trail Runs. I thought I had run a trail race before, but it was really a very wide bike path race, NOT a trail race. So this one was an eye opening experience for...

Cherry Blossom: Pros and Cons

Yesterday I ran the Cherry Blossom 10 Mile race in Washington DC. I have been lucky enough to have been to DC several times before, so I did not feel pressured to go and see all the sights or stand in really long lines to get into the museums (the line for the Natural History was all the way down the...

Diva Dash: Pros & Cons

While visiting a friend of mine in Kansas City, I dragged her to invited her to join me at the Diva Dash in the great state of Kansas. I am trying to race in every state and this would satisfy my Kansas quotient. Right now it doesn't matter what distance it is, any race is sufficient! So, after running...

I'm On Fire; I Need Water.

Remember the race that I was almost too sick to run? Here are a few of the highlights of the race and areas we thought could use improvement (supplemented by Dad). First good thing: the price. This race was only $40, which is a lot less than some of the Rock n Roll Half Marahons or other big races which...