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Virtual Race etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Virtual Race etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Virtual Weekend

This weekend I had a really great run along the San Francisco Bay Trail. This is 500 miles of shoreline trails around the bay. The trail doesn't go continuously the entire way; there are some gaps. The section I ran runs from Emeryville to Richmond with no gaps and is about 11 miles long. It's a really...

In Running News

Happy Labor Day! I hope you get today off and are enjoying it! I have finally gotten some errands done that have been on my To Do list for ages! This weekend I also participated in the Mommy Run Fast Labor Day Virtual 5 and 10 mile race. Laura, of MRF, is a Texas runner, spin teacher and mom who has some great recipes! I especially love, and have made several times, her Garbanzo Brownies and her Apple...

Virtually Eight

This month, I participated in a few virtual races. I didn't really join in on the contests and the photos and stuff because this month ran away before I got a chance to blink! However, I did run and while I was running, I though of the host and about the reason I was running. Jess hosted a great Virtual...

Race You to The Finish!

Have you ever signed up for a race via lottery? What about a race that was not close to where you lived? I have done it twice. The first one was the NYC Half Marathon. I had just completed my first half marathon and when my friend said he was going to put his name in the lottery, I thought why the heck...

A First For Everything

My parents used to always say that, "there is a first for everything", which was probably their way of saying, "just try it once! You may like it!" (aka don't knock it until you've tried it) or maybe it was their way of saying, "Make the most of your first one, because you only get one first one". Whatever...

Hills for Lill

When R at Livin the Fit Life, who is a fellow runner and 12 in 2012 member, let us know of her plans to run a virtual half marathon in honor of her 95 year old grandmother, I was automatically in! I had my Bay Breeze Half last weekend that I had already run in her honor, but last weekend I thought maybe...

Running Related Tidbits

I finally made a tentative training schedule for the 12 in 2012 races. I wasn’t really sure how to do it, since I will be racing every 2 – 8 weeks. Basically, I am going to stick to the same running schedule I used for the marathon, which is two easier days of 5-7 miles, and two longer days, one of...

Hope Endures 5k

Yesterday I ran a 5k for Ashlyn, Courtney's daughter.My time was 26:09 or an 8:44/mi pace. It was not a PR, but it was for a good cause. You can still sign up; the race runs from December 2nd to the 6th. All you have to do is go to Courtney's site and let her know you are going to join. Then run the...