This weekend I am heading to the Bay Area for (hopefully) Snack-a-palooza TAKE II. (You can see Snackapalooza I here) I am very excited. More to come on that later. Happy Memorial Day to all!But now, I give you...a book review.Tarantula Woman by Donald O'Donovan Normal 0 ...
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A-Z etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
A-Z etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
xerostomia 1: abnormal dryness of the mouth resulting from decreased secretion of saliva [syn: {dry mouth}](source)Okay, I know you are wondering why the weird word? Well, I started the A-Z blogfest and was supposed to be done by April 30, but I didn't do it in time, but I am determined to finish anyway!...

I just took these photos -- literally 5 minutes ago. Snow. In May. Can you believe it? And yes, I am back in California. In the snow. In May.I took this one earlier today.I noticed the weather in New Orleans was about 90 degrees today. How is the weather in YOUR neck of the woods?...
Very Glad to Meet You

Being back home is so great. While traveling, you kind of can't wait to be back home, while at the same time, you really, really don't want your travels to end. So I usually don't go straight back home. I go and visit with friends and family before heading home to start working, errands and chores a...
Uncomfortable Nights
Buy this pad from REI. So we slept in a campervan for a while, and let me tell you, they say that the best way to get to know someone is to take a long car ride with them. How about a three week long one, is that long enough? Well, yes, yes it is. But that is not what I am going to talk...
To My Mother
Today I was born. Okay, that's not the complete truth. Actually, I WAS born on Mother's Day. However, Mom's Day changes every year; it is the second Sunday of May, and therefore each year is different. Well this year, it is NOT my birthday. However, the day I was born WAS on Mother's Day. That year....
Some Great Australian Places
Have you been to Australia? Although there are many cool things here, like Koalas, Kangaroos and The Most Deadly Snake in the World, The Black Mamba (spoken in a Steve Austin accent, as he shoves the snake in his face). BUT. They have a lot of other cool things. So. Let me talk to you about what we...
Did you know?In Australia, they don't have the Easter bunny, they have the BILBY:In Chocolate (source)Normal View (source)They also call a walk around the block a BLOCKIE.A TRAVELER is when you take a beer to go on the walk to the next place. Your SUNNIES are your sun glasses.BREKKIE is breakfast.An...
Quicky Koala
Koalas aren't quick, so I am not sure why that one koala was named Quicky. However, it is lucky that they aren't because this gave me the chance to see a few. Here are photos to prove it. And of course a few more animals we found while searching for the koala. The Dingo That Ate Your BabyCockatooHugest...
Picasa and Pandora

A blogger buddy was talking about Pandora the other day. Basically she said that some people don't know what Pandora is. It made me think of a couple things.(1) It's amazing how I can use something every day and LOVE it and other people don't even know what it is OR use it.(2) What are THEY using that...
On Being Frugal
sourceI believe I am mentioned before that I am frugal. Okay, some may call it cheap. But frugal sounds better, doesn’t it? To be honest, I never really thought of myself as cheap. I like to save money; I have a budget; I put money away in my 401k every month. I am money conscious. I am savings savvy....
Never Put it Down
Note: on a completely different note, is Bin Laden REALLY dead? What do you guys think about this? Will there still be terror? Talk amongst yourselves. Now, onto my normal scheduled post. N is for Never. sourceI know I talk about books a lot, but how can you not? They are great. They take you out...
Many Happy Trails
I am a bit biased, I admit. I am from California and am proud of the fact. We have everything you could ever want -- beaches, mountains, small towns, cities like San Francisco. What do you like to do? We have it. You like picking mushrooms, deer hunting, swimming, diving, surfing, hiking? We have it....