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Mt. Shasta etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Mt. Shasta etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Mt. Shasta

Hiking Mt. Shasta is something I never thought I would do twice. To quote myself the last time I did it: "Sometimes I wonder why people, myself included, subject themselves to such pain and misery". It started off pretty ominously. The problem with this is that we are hiking up a hill with...

Too High To Get Over

Climbing Mt Shasta is something that not everyone wants to do. Sometimes I wonder why people, myself included, subject themselves to such pain and misery. I usually wonder this as I am trudging up an almost 90 degree hill, wheezing from the lack of oxygen, and tired from climbing since before dawn.  ...

Shasta hike

We went to the top! Avalanche gulch and Misery Hill were the worst!!! But we made it! PS they just changed the elevation to 14,1...