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missouri etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
missouri etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Sam I Am

This week's beer is... Sam Adams. I have to admit, I am not a fan of their Summer Ale. However, I may have to try one of their fall or winter brews this weekend, while I am at...guess, guess....You guessed it, I am in Massachusetts this weekend, racing in the Newburyport Green Stride Half Marathon....

Going Round in Circles

You may remember the post that I wrote when I first got to Missouri. I was just getting back into running. I had just arrived in Columbia and had found a great running trail: the MKT. The day I wrote that post, I ran 2.5 miles at a 9:33 pace. It was not easy. At the same time, I set a few goals for...

Taum Sauk: High Point 4

My Dad wants to hike as many of the highest points from each state in the US as he can. He has hiked many more than me, but I have been lucky to hike several of them with him. We started with our home state of California. Mt. Whitney is the highest mountain in the continental US. I was 17 and I enjoyed...

Marvelous Marin

If you have never been to the Marin Brewing Company in Larkspur, you need to hightail it down there right NOW and get yourself a Point Reyes Porter. If you have never been to Point Reyes, you should go there either before or after going for a beer. Your choice. It is a little sticky outie thing (a point,...

Best Time Ever

You all know I was a little excited/nervous for my half marathon, which was on Sunday the 18th. However, as you all predicted, the day of the race went just fine. But let me back up a little.My Dad came for the weekend to cheer me on and to run the 5k that was also happening on Sunday. On Saturday night,...

Cheers Bro!

sourceThis beer may have an obnoxious name, but it is actually quite good. You can find it at the Stone Brewing Co or maybe even at your local grocery store. This week was a very busy one for me, with visits to friends, different cities and much going on at work. We are now working less hours but are...