Bayram Cigerli Blog

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Vacation etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Vacation etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

An Other Idea for Having Your Own STAYCATION !

In previous blog posts you already have read about way's of having a STAYCATION how about....,  Having Your Own,  - PRIVATE BEACH!! -                                          ...

Did you ever think (on your Vacation) You Could Write a Novel?

DISCOVER Big Long-term Writing Projects & Little Short-term Writing Projects Besides going to the Beachand taking a swim...,It's great to have vacation time, I have seen that you frequently write about Inspiring Travel Related Topics in your TWEETS, as I can see on Our TWITTER Page and it is also a Topic that I enjoy.Something that helped me to get Inspired to create this Special TRAVEL...

STAYCATION: Create Your Vacation at Home... !

Me Wearing our Own T-Shirt With EDS-Logo surrounded by our Beach Towel Designs, Flip Flop Designs, Sunglasses, SOCIAL MEDIA BUTTONS, Recipe- and Food Notebooks  Hallo and thanks for Visiting this Blog,Welcome and take some time,  for a Little  "Travel Trip", reading this Inspirational...

Wind River Range -- Part Three -- Trip Report

I was talking to my friend Dr. G the other day and he reminded me that I had somehow lost the plot when blogging about our Wind River High Route trip in 2017 and I never finished part three (and the most important part) of my three part series, the trip report! Since I actually had it in my drafts unedited...