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america's got talent etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
america's got talent etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

America's Got Talent - The Live Show! + The Week!

Since I am a rebel, I feel like celebrating two of my favorite Friday link up's early. You know the ones where we write 5 things about our week - 5 on Friday and H54F. It has been a great week!

Monday, I worked until noon. When I got off of work, I rushed home to get glam then Marquis and I took the three hour drive to Raleigh, NC for "America's Got Talent". That is Marq's and I's favorite show. We have tons of shows that we always watch together but "America's Got Talent" is our number 1!

1) The l o o k
Since we were going downtown for dinner before the live show, I wanted to have a sexy look. I played in my new Urban Decay Vice 2 eye shadow kit and gave myself a grey/black smokey eye with hot pink lips and big blonde curls. It was a little on the 1980's nightclub look but I loved it!

2) A vegetarian/s p i n a c h burger
Before the show we had dinner at those most delicious place. It was called "The Hive". Oh my, it was too freaking good. They had the best salads and they made all of their vinaigrette dressings in house. I ordered a spinach and feta "burger" and had a spinach and berry salad on the side. The dressing was a honey champagne vinaigrette dressing - I want to learn how to create my own!

3) America's Got Talent - L I V E
The show was so much fun! The performers were all so good. We had the best seats in the house as well. We were in the center, in the second row. What makes it even better is that the two seats in front of us in the front row were empty the entire time. We lucked out!

After the show, we were able to meet everyone since we were VIP.

The first two acts we met were: the winner, Kenechi Ebina and second place, Taylor Williamson. They both were not were personable. Marquis tried to joke with Taylor and he was just awkward.

Next we met Jimmy Rose and Tone Tha Chiefrocka. They were both awesome. I love Jimmy. He waved to me in the crowd. And now I know why; Google his girlfriend. We have the exact same features, ha. I think meeting Jimmy was my favorite. You can tell he is so thankful and down to earth. He will go far in country music. I have no doubt.

After those two, it was time to meet my girl, my favorite, and wannabe BFF, Cami Bradley and the sexy underage; Collins Key. I cannot believe that kid is 16. He is so hot. I feel like a total molester saying that. I immediately ran up to Cami and told her how much I love her and how we should be BFF. 

Lastly we met the super talented, amazing, and super duper sexy KriStef brothers. OMG they are so freaking h o t. Stefan, the blonde one, makes me drool. I am not even kidding. They were fun.

4) F l o w e r s
Marquis surprised me with some gorgeous flowers and a card congratulating me on my new position in Real Estate and telling how I need and should believe in myself. I thought that was really nice. But I also deserved it because he has been in a completely rotten mood lately and is getting on my last nerve. I will be so damn glad when his bodybuilding competition is done so we can go back to normal.

5.) The official job o f f e r
I received my "official" job offer from the Real Estate company on Tuesday. Basically, I am the Director of Operations; I am over Human Resources, Office Management, and the Executive Assistant to my CEO. I am over the entire office ensuring attendance and accountability, hiring and finding new talent, continuing my education consistently by attending workshops and a lot of social events, being the "wing man" to my CEO - man this position is going to be the absolute biggest challenge of my life, but I could not be more excited and more ready for this!

Uh-oh My Boy CURLipop!

I just had to title my post that. Do y'all remember that song? I don't... well kind of. I remember hearing it on "Spice World" back in the day when the Spice Girls (OMG, love, right?) were on that lake in a boat... or something. OK anyways.

I have been debating on buying a curling wand for months. I live for my hot rollers, but I wanted to try something different. I have been thinking about it a lot lately, so I just decided to finally go for it. The next question was; how much am I willing to spend? Well, I said $30. A girl has a budget right now. I am constantly going to the beach and I am hosting an Ulta giftcard giveaway for my fabulous beautiful blog reader's, so a girl has to keep her finances in check. I finally decided on "Bed Head's" CURLIPOP. I love Bed Head and Curlipop was just too cute so I had to get it. So far, so good.
I love big hair. Honey, I should have been a young adult in the 80's because I would have owned that decade. My first "hoorah" with the Curlipop was a success. I washed and conditioned my hair, put on BLOW's heat protector, and "Big Sexy Hair" root lifter on my roots, then dried my hair. For my first experience, I just did 50% of my hair in curls, that way I would just have all over BIG spiral curls, instead of a LOT of tighter curls. I really like it! This weekend for my movie date, I will try all over tighter curls. It's absolutely worth the $30 bucks. And hey if you win my Ulta Giveaway, you can go buy one and still have $10 bucks left over. Heh.

Playing with my new curl wand and taking pictures reminded me of this past weekend. I took some pictures of my Grandmother Mary, my dad's mother, while I was at his house. My grandmother died when my dad was 14 years old. I never got to meet her.
How beautiful is she? Her name was Mary Harrison Taylor. She was stunning, but was conflicted inside. She was carefree woman but slowly digressed into an alcoholic. When she was younger, she sounded like she was so much like me. I truly believe her part of her soul was born into me when I was born. She did make-up at Belk in the 1950's! I also did make up and love it. She was always into fashion, looking her best, and my Grandfather totally spoiled her. She was his little doll. For some reason, unbeknownst to me or my father, she slipped into bad depression as my dad and aunt grew older. When my dad would come home from grade school, she would be passed out on the floor. Finally, when she was 39 years old, her liver gave out and she passed away. It breaks my heart to think about this. What I wouldn't give to meet her, but at least I feel like a part of her is inside of me. 

Fun fact: Her middle name is "Harrison" she was named after my great, great, great Uncle - the 9th President of the US; William Henry Harrison. I am blood related to two prior US Presidents. How cool!

Rocking big fun curls made it easier to get through the work day. Is this week crazy busy and out of control for anyone else? August is the busiest month for me at my job and OMG I am feeling it. Luckily, Marquis has been a little ball of positivity for me. 
Sunday evening we were watching "America's Got Talent", one of our favorites shows, via DVR so we could catch up and we heard that the top 10 acts are going on tour. I immediately jumped for joy and told Marquis we HAD to book tickets. Luckily, he was just as excited, so he immediately went into our home office, hopped on the computer, and booked us front row seats. I love him... SOMETIMES. That was so nice of him! So, Monday October 7th, we are road tripping to Raleigh for the show!

I am finally learning more and more in the Blogging world. One thing I noticed is; I didn't have a Blog button. I want you guys to be able to take me with you ;) so I made one all by myself. My BFF Karly helped a little though! If you want to swap buttons, Tweet or comment me and let me know. Also, if you add my button to your page for at least until my Giveaway is over, you get TEN entries. The code is to your right ----->

 Grab button for YOUR BLOG NAME

Lots of fun link up's going on today, so be sure to check out my "Join the Party" page and go make some fabulous new friends!