Bayram Cigerli Blog

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5 on friday etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
5 on friday etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Let's Chat!

It has been quite a while since I have done one of my "Let's Chat" posts; which are my random thoughts and shares about all things related to life lately. Since I like to keep things light and easy on a Friday, pour cocktail of your choice, and let's talk...Most of you are probably aware that October...

Let's Chat: All About The Week + Giveaway Winners

Happy Friday. On Friday's, I like to link up with these fabulous ladies and chit-chat about the week. Friday's just feel mellow and easy like that. Coming back to work this week after 5 days off was brutal. I hate the way it is always like for me. Once I am off of my normal schedule for more than a...

All About The Week + Quest Giveaway Winners!

Since it is Friday and my brain is ready to shut off for the weekend (ha, who am I kidding, it is always ready to shut off) I am going to partake in the fun Friday 5 and favorites link up's and share randoms about the week that has been!First, I want to thank you guys for your participation in the Quest...

Let's talk about the fabulousness of the week for Friday 5!

*I am going to be getting my fashion blogger on a little on this post because I want to show y'all my cute new clothes finds this week! However, I have no digital camera or a tripod so bare with me and my Iphone pictures, haha!*Happy Friday ladies! I am linking up to share the 5 fabulous, fun things...

It has been a really weird week (Friday 5)

We are at another Friday. Thank goodness. One of my best friends is coming down to stay the weekend with me, which of course I am excited about, but I am most excited about sleeping in. (Ha, love you Jen!) This week has been okay, but just... odd. I think it's mainly due to my own mental state. I can...

A Very High 5 for Friday!

It has been a really, really good week. It was filled with nothing but work and the gym, but I feel really accomplished.To begin, I would like to ask for you guys to pray for my dad. I have mentioned before that he has incurable cancer. He has been battling a brain tumor over the past couple of months....