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Health E-Newsletter etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Health E-Newsletter etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Join me on the Road to October 9th

Well, this is it.  This is the year I turn 50!  I still cannot believe it. I really feel about 30.

My goal is to be the most fit I have ever been.  A little of bit of history......I used to run all the time.  I thought I was the most fit when I ran about 5 miles per day.  Keep in mind, that was about all I did.  I would do a few weights here and there, but mostly just cardio.  I really thought I was strong and fit.

Then it came to my attention that I was not doing enough strength training.  In an attempt to balance out my fitness routine, I had purchased some weights and a mat.  I had tried doing some workouts on my own, but struggled with the motivation and what exactly to do.  I purchased a workout DVD on line.  I remember doing that video for the first time and the lady on the video was doing push ups.  I was really surprised and upset that I could not do a push up.  From that moment forward, I was on a quest to be able to do perfect, straight leg push ups.  From there my idea of what fit was changed dramatically.

the turning point happened when I developed plantar fasciitis in both feet.  I knew I had to stop running.  At that point I could barely walk.  I dug out the weights and researched different types of workouts that would challenge me in both strength and cardio vascular areas.

Before I was running an hour a day and adding in a bit of strength 2 times per week.  So that was 6 plus hours of exercising each week.

I changed that to strength circuits for 45 minutes, 3 days a week (total of 2.5 hours exercise per week). After six weeks, I had dropped a pants size without even realizing it. This was about 10 years ago.  This was one of the major factors that made me decide to become a personal trainer.

As women we are programmed to believe that we need to be doing long cardio sessions to be fit, that we should avoid lifting heavy weights and we should stick to machines.  This is the furthest from the truth.  Long cardio sessions take a lot of time and can lead to overuse injuries - like plantar fasciitis, knee issues, IT band issues, etc.

Long duration cardio workouts do not burn fat.  They actually make your body hold onto fat and prevent your from burning it.

Strength training is the magic bullet in the fat burning formula.  You need to challenge yourself with a heavy enough weight to fatigue the muscle after 12 reps.  You need to get your heart rate up WAY higher than the old fat burning zone for about 20 to 40 seconds and then recover.  This is how you burn fat. road to October 9th.  I am going to incorporate 1 to 2 high intensity interval workouts per week. ( This will more than likely be a hill run in my neighborhood.  Those hills kill me.  The run takes about 25 to 30 minutes and my heart rate gets really high on the hills.).  I am going to do 1 workout per week that incorporates very heavy weight for strength and 2 workouts that focus on metabolic conditioning. I am going to stretch for 20 minutes every day. I am going to eat very clean and hopefully be the most fit I have ever been, with a very balanced fitness plan.

And then I plan to go hang gliding on lookout mountain in Chattanooga.  So, want to join me on the road to October 9th?

What is Metabolism and can you change it?

I hear this a lot - I can't lose weight because I have a a slow metabolism.

Do you wonder, is this true; are you stuck with your metabolism or can you give it a boost? 

What is metabolism?
The standard measurement for metabolism is called the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) also known as resting metabolism. This describes the minimum amount of calories needed to simply keep your body going, sustaining vital functions such as digestion, breathing and heartbeat.

BMR varies a lot between different people. For example, some overweight individuals may not consume very many calories.  The reason for being overweight may be a low level of physical activity or a very low BMR.

BMR on average accounts for around 1200-1400 calories per day in women, and 1400-1800 calories in men. This is the number of calories it takes for you to stay alive. Many factors affect BMR, such as:

Lean Muscle Mass - Men tend to have more lean muscle in their bodies than women. Lean muscle requires more calories, so men’s BMR is greater than women’s.

Age. Because of the increased activity of cells undergoing division, the younger the person, the faster their metabolism. There is also age related muscle loss (also known as scarpenia).  There is therefore a decline in BMR associated with aging and muscle loss of approximately 2% for every 10 years after age 30.  This is what we call "age related weight gain".  This is preventable by keeping lean muscle mass or adding to it as we age.

Weight. The heavier a person is, the higher their energy requirements, so they need more calories to keep their body functioning and moving. 

Environmental temperature. People living in tropical or very cold climates tend to have BMR’s 5 – 20% higher than those living in moderate climates.

Can you increase your metabolism?
You know I always have the same answer - Exercise!!!!

Choosing the appropriate exercise program will increase the amount lean body mass (LBM) you have. LBM is made up of your muscles, bones, organs and the fat stored in your heart, lungs, kidneys, intestines, muscles, nervous system and bone marrow.

The greater the muscle component of  your LBM, the higher your metabolic rate will be and THAT MEANS more calories are burned.  
If I am a fleshy, soft 180 pounds and you are a lean and strong 180 pounds, it will take more calories for you to maintain your weight than me.  

Men usually have a higher LBM (and therefore a higher metabolic rate) than women by virtue of their larger muscles. Some female athletes, however, such as swimmers and shot putters, may have a higher LBM than a male of equal weight. 

Certain exercise protocols - especially metabolic programs like at AllyFitness - can increase your metabolic rate for up to 48 to 72  hours after you’ve finished working out, depending on how strenuous the exercise was. Regular cardio does not have the benefit of the after-burn, but will increase your metabolism.  Without exercise your metabolism slows down.

Making sure you are properly hydrated will also help boost your metabolism.  You should be drinking half your body weight in ounces of water every day.  So if you weight 150 pounds - you should be drinking 75 ounces of water daily.

What can SLOW your metabolism down?
Crash diets - or just plain consuming too few calories!  When you try to lose weight by drastically cutting calories, you actually lose muscle from your LBM as well as body fat. This has the effect of slowing down your metabolism.  Make sure you keep calories at the appropriate level for you and include exercise.

Remember - our bodies have not evolved that much from the cave man days.  So, when you begin to drastically cut your calories, your body think you are in a  “famine” situation. In an effort to survive, the body dramatically reduces its metabolic rate within 24-48 hours after you start dieting. The reduction in basal metabolic rate can be as high as 45%! This is exactly the opposite of what you want for long-term weight control.  

Repeated bouts of severe calorie restriction can actually have a drastic long-term effect on your metabolism and weight loss. often, eat quality foods and exercise!  It isn't rocket science.

QUIT  reading all the news on the latest fad diet or weight loss product.  You need fuel your body nutrients and exercise your muscles.  Just Do IT!

How to BUST through a Plateau!

Busting a plateau, losing fat and weight is simple, but IT AINT EASY!   Accomplishing FAT LOSS - weight-loss goals takes effort, discipline, and consistency with EXERCISE  and NUTRITION.

It is simple, you need to exercise and eat right, BUT….It’s NOT EASY. It takes hard work and consistency to achieve the results you want. Depending on your goals, if they are lofty, it may take double the effort you are putting in with exercise, but especially NUTRITION.

Here are a few suggestions to get you dialed into your goals to seriously BURN FAT in the next month or two and bust through any plateaus.

If you are wanting more results or have hit a plateau, here you go:

Nutrient timing. You need to be eating every 3 hours.  Breakfast. Snack. Lunch. Snack. Dinner.   If you want great choices, refer to the AllyFitness Food Guide where I provide some great options).  SIDE BAR NOTE - the only way to control weight is to control your blood sugar and insulin and the best way to do that is by eliminating processed foods, sugar and refined carbs).

EAT MORE frequently, and LESS - smaller portions. Focus on making sure you are getting enough protein and include it in every meal and snack.  I advocate between .5 and 1g per pound of bodyweight. Mix a scoop of whey protein isolate into 8-12 ounces of water or almond milk.  It’s yummy.  Be sure to include other sources of lean, high quality protein (chicken, tuna, salmon, steak, Greek yogurt, etc.).  If you need two servings of protein powder, you can also mix some into your yogurt for a snack.

Double your vegetable intake. Include veggies in your omelets, have peppers and /or carrots as a snack, have a salad with some protein for lunch, and be sure to include green veggies with dinner. Vegetables are NECESSARY for great health!  Try the green monster smoothie by filling a blender with spinach, romaine lettuce, celery, parsley, lemon, and coconut water.  This is loaded with anti-oxidants.  There are dozens of “great” greens drinks recipes.

ELIMINATE the Great White Hazards! No white bread (this includes biscuits!!!).  No sugar. No white pasta or rice. It is really bad for you and more than likely the main reason you aren’t progressing. Focus on complex carbs like Basmati brown rice, black rice, couscous, quinoa, lentils, etc.

Ditch the alcohol if you are serious about losing the fat.  A glass of wine is OK one to two nights per week. If you are serious about fat-loss, you can’t afford the extra calories.

Eat breakfast EVERY DAY!!!! Eggs and oatmeal, Greek yogurt and fruit, Ezekiel toast with almond butter, almond milk with a scoop or two of whey protein powder. No excuses on this.

Drink one-half your bodyweight in fluid ounces of water per day. DRINK MORE WATER! It satiates your appetite, helps your joints, and allows all of your organs and systems to function optimally.

Write down everything you eat for 5 days.  Write it down or log it in vitabot if you want to share with me!  Make sure you keep a really good journal and then you can analyze trends and see where extra / empty calories may be coming from and what triggers you may have.
EXERCISE  - To seriously change your body, the 3x per week exercise program needs to have some cardio mixed in on the off days. Here are a few suggestions to amp up your current routine:

Get in an extra 2 days a week of cardio. Walk, bike, hike, run, spin, swim, dance - whatever, but get a good 20 – 40 minutes in.  You all know I recommend intervals for intensity and do not recommend long cardion sessions.  The long cardio sessions will jeopardize your efforts.  Another sidebar: In 2012, research published in the British journal "Heart" stated: Running 20-25 miles or more per week eliminates the benefit of the exercise as you grow older and causes excessive wear and tear on the heart.  Dr Kenneth Cooper, the father of 'aerobics' has said, "If you are running more than 15 miles a week, you are doing it for some reason other than health."

When you come to AllyFitness for the workouts, SHOW UP!  The purpose of strength and conditioning training is to overload the body with a resistance greater than what it’s accustomed to. It is strength training that allows for maximum lean muscle tissue growth and the re-distribution of body composition. That means inches lost, fat lost, and BAM!  Your body is looking good.

Congratulations if you are getting the three workouts in per week.  That combined with clean eating will get results.  If you are stuck or need to kick it up a notch, Now you know what you need to do.

See you at the workout!


A Common Sense Approach to Healthy Aging and Reducing Risk of Alzheimer's

A Common Sense Approach to Lifestyle
So……..with this news, it’s more important than ever to do my best to control my insulin through a clean diet to minimize my risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.  Type 2 diabetes used to be called “Adult Onset” diabetes, because it happened later in life.   However, due to the abundance and over dependence on highly processed foods, children are now developing this disease at an alarmingly high rate.  A diet rich in vegetables, fruits, lean protein and whole grains can help keep your blood sugar stable.  Eating frequently throughout the day is also a good way to keep the blood sugar stable.
Exercise improves our physical and mental health—that is now beyond debate. The physical benefits are obvious; we know that exercise lowers blood pressure, decreases cholesterol, reduces fat, adds muscle and improves cardiovascular function.  But now we know that …..What affects the body affects the brain. What is bad for the body is bad for the brain, and what is good for the body is good for the brain.

“Walking is a man’s best medicine” – Hippocrates, and dancing is never a bad idea!

Exercising, eating healthy foods, refraining from smoking and limiting alcohol consumption reduce the risk for cardiovascular disease and diabetes and also the risk for age-related neurogenative disorders.

Action Plan for Healthy Aging!
Ø  Eat a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, lean protein and whole grains.
Ø  Avoid processed foods and limit sugar intake.
Ø  Eat at least five times a day to keep blood sugar stable.
Ø  Exercise – walk as much as possible.  Park in the back of the parking lot when shopping and use the stairs instead of elevators.
Ø  Mix it and go swimming, garden, bicycle.
Ø  If you are new to exercising, begin by several short walks throughout the day.
Ø  If you don’t have a hobby, get one.
Ø  Play games and have fun with family and friends.
Ø  Get outside and move or take a dancing class.
Ø  Read and always continue to learn.
Ø  Brush your teeth your non dominant hand – and do ther things with the non dominant hand.

Alzheimer's and Exercise - can it help?

The RESEARCH -What About Exercise?
New research adds to the growing evidence that physical activity can reduce cognitive decline and slow progression of Alzheimer’s disease.  The significance of this particular study is that it measured total daily activity using actigraphy instead of relying on self-reporting by study subjects.  Study findings showed a clear relationship between higher levels of overall physical activity and lower rates of cognitive decline.
More good news from this research is that increasing activity helps even when people are over the age of 80, since the average age of study subjects was 82. What’s more, every movement counts—even activities as simple as cooking, playing cards or washing dishes.
The mental and physical diseases that occur in old age are directly tied to the cardiovascular and metabolic systems. People who have diabetes have a 65% higher risk of developing dementia.  Those with heart disease are at far greater risk of developing Alzheimer’s, the most common form of dementia.  High cholesterol increases the risk of developing dementia by 43%.  We know that exercise and good nutrition can prevent or significantly decrease most of these conditions!!!
Neuroscientists recommend swimming, dancing, gardening, knitting, more frequent use of the non-dominant hand and leg, and walking 10,000 steps on a daily basis.   A daily 20-minute walk can cut the risk of having a stroke, one of the leading causes of mental disability in the elderly, by 57%.

Regular cardiovascular exercise gets blood to the brain, bringing much-needed oxygen and glucose for energy, thereby enhancing neuronal connections. Thirty minutes of aerobic exercise stimulates the production of Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which also stimulates the growth of new cells in the hippocampus.

Arthur Kramer, PhD, of the University of Illinois, tested the cognitive functioning of 124 men and women, aged 60–75. Subjects were divided into two groups; one walked briskly for an hour three times per week, while the other did yoga-type stretching. After 6 months of activity, they were given a memory test, and the walkers scored 25% higher than those who stretched.
More research states that  elderly people who dance regularly decrease their risk of dementia by 76%.

Alzheimer's and Diet - what is the Connection?

The RESEARCH – The Diet Connection:
There is new research strongly linking Type 2 diabetes to increased risk of Alzheimer’s and some even call Alzheimer’s “Type 3 Diabetes.”   This growing and compelling body of evidence suggests that Alzheimer’s and Type 2 diabetes are linked by a common factor: insulin resistance.  Earlier this year, researchers at the University of Pittsburgh proved it for the first time.   According to a press release from Penn Medicine, the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease increases by 50% for people with diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is caused by insulin resistance and accounts for 90% of all diabetes cases, says the same source.

What is Insulin Resistance?  Our metabolism evolved eons ago, when our diet included fewer (and more complex) carbohydrates. Today most calories in the American diet come in the form of carbohydrates, and most of those are simple carbohydrates — sugars or highly processed foods - that quickly enter the bloodstream causing the blood sugar to rise rapidly.  The body has to release high levels of insulin to keep the level of glucose in the bloodstream from spiraling out of control.   Over time, the cells quit responding to this signal.  At this point the body is “insulin resistant.”   Diabetes occurs when the body is unable to keep blood glucose under control.

Do you know the Risk Factors for Alzheimer's?

As many of you know, my father passed away last summer after a long battle with Alzheimer’s disease.  I decided to do some research on the risk factors, if any, that are associated with this disease.


According to the Mayo Clinic, Scientists believe that for most people, Alzheimer's disease results from a combination of genetic, lifestyle and environmental factors that affect the brain over time.  The biggest risk factor in developing Alzheimer’s is increasing age.  Nearly half of individuals over 85 have the disease.  Your risk of developing Alzheimer's appears to be somewhat higher if a first-degree relative — your parent or sibling — has the disease.  

While there is no one lifestyle factor that conclusively reduces your risk of developing Alzheimer’s, there is strong evidence suggesting the same factors that put you at risk of heart disease may also increase your risk for developing Alzheimer’s.   Examples include lack of exercise, smoking, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, uncontrolled diabetes, a diet lacking in fruits and vegetables and lack of social engagement.

What can you do TODAY to improve your Nutrition?

First, a confession......I like chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream!  I also like eating snack food for meals (like almonds and Lara bars). 
While, technically, these food choices (except the ice cream) are healthy (the nuts are packed with fiber and healthy fats), I rely on these foods too much. Those and Lara bars. Time for me to put on my big girl panties and get serious about my nutrition - just like you are.
So how do you eat better?
What's the #1 change you could make RIGHT NOW to get better results?
The answer is not one you are wanting to hear. There is no answer that allows us to eat whatever we want and still get the results we want.
Ally’s #1 secret to eating better is...
By keeping things out of the house that I know are my trigger foods!  I never buy the cookie dough ice cream.  I get a cone of it once a year on my birthday!  That is because I know I have no self control if it is in the house.  I will eat the entire carton!
My mistakes are clear - I get lazy!!!!!! I'll go a month eating really clean and then I'll end up eating Quest protein bars or Lara bars. While these bars are "okay" (gluten-free protein bars, and better than 99% of other protein bars), they simply aren't REAL food. And that's what I - and we - should eat.  Remember - if it does not rot, you should not eat it!
So I've resolved to stop that.  I am on a mission!  I am also going to be wearing a bathing suite in a week!

I'm also going to cut back on my other vices – almonds and peanut butter!  While these are healthy, they are calorie dense and I rely on them too much!
I'm going to follow my own advice. And if I can do it, so can you.
What is the second secret?  Accountability.
If you knew that you had to honestly report your daily diet to the rest of the world, what would really eat?  Find an accountability partner.  Also just writing it down or logging it into Vitabot is a great way to stay accountable.

Here are three more secrets to eating better:

1) Have a process to stop when you are overeating. 

This could be as simple as brushing your teeth or do like my Mom.  She will eat a pickle when she is craving candy or sweets.

2) Make sure you eat all the good stuff first  - It is like getting your chores done before you can outside and play!

If I eat really clean all day for four days, I may have a little treat!
Checklists eliminates the number of bad choices you make. In most cases, you'll be too full from good food to eat much junk. 
If you don’t have the clean eating grid– email me and I will send you a copy!

3) Drink Green Tea at each meal and lots of water throughout the day.
Research - and experience - suggests people stay full longer when they have a cup of Green Tea with their meals. That's a simple way to improvement your diet. Buy a filter to put under your sink for your tap water.  It is really inexpensive and cuts down on having to recycle!
These could change your life, get you back on track, or get you off some medications you are taking. 

The power of proper nutrition – let food be your medicine!

Sorry I can't give you a magic pill...or secret ingredient to fix all of your nutrition.  Instead, just a steady diet of tough love and truth.  So suck it up, Buttercup!


What is up with Weight Gain and Menopause?

Hot flashes and mood changes aren't the only symptoms of menopause. Many women also say it becomes harder to control their weight around this time. And take if from me - IT"S TRUE!  
With menopause and peri-menopause, estrogen levels fluctuate wildly leading to irregular periods, temperature intolerance and mood disturbances.  With menopause there is an increase in visceral fat, which is the deep abdominal fat that increases the risk for health problems like heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Research shows that up to 90% of women gain weight during and after menopause. Sop what is a Girl to do?  
Fact:  Lack of Estrogen makes it harder to control weight
Estrogen plays a role in regulating body weight. Women who take hormone replacement therapy experience fewer problems with weight gain increased tummy fat.  There are many benefits to hormone replacement therapy, but there are also risks that need to be considered when making these decisions.
Loss of estrogen has a metabolism-slowing effect. In the absence of estrogen, you burn as many as 80 fewer calories a day. Estrogen also regulates two hormones called lipoprotein lipase and hormone-sensitive lipase that directly affect fat storage. When hormone-sensitive lipase is active, fat is oxidized to be used as energy. Estrogen puts the brakes on fat storage by activating hormone-sensitive lipase and inhibiting lipoprotein lipase. Once estrogen levels decline, the body shifts more to the fat storage mode. (I know, this is a bummer!)
As you can see, the decline in estrogen that happens at menopause makes it harder to control your weight in a number of ways – by making it easier for your body to store fat, and by decreasing metabolic.  So what can you do about it?
So What’s a Girl to Do?
One of the best things you can do to prevent weight gain during menopause is exercise. Research consistently shows that women who are physically active either avoid menopausal weight gain or significantly reduce it.
What type of exercise is best? You guys hear me say this all the time!  More intense exercise creates a metabolic environment for fat burning. So do not decrease your exercise intensity as you age.  And remember you can add intensitywithout adding impact!  High-intensity interval training and metabolic workouts are better than steady-state aerobics for reducing body fat and increasing metabolism.  If you are walker – add hills to add intensity.  If you bike, get out there and climb!  
As estrogen levels decline, loss of lean body mass accelerates so it is important to include strength and resistance training. Resistance training helps to preserve lean body mass while giving to help keep your metabolic rate increase. It also improves bone density. If there’s one thing every woman going through menopause needs to do it’s workout with enough resistance to build muscle.
Nutrition – the essential link
Limiting processed foods and rapidly absorbed carbohydrates helps to improve insulin sensitivity. Insulin sensitivity declines with age and is a risk factor for weight gain and other health problems. It’s important to get enough protein and fiber to boost satiety as well. Choose more whole foods and fiber-rich vegetables along with monounsaturated fats in nuts, olive oil and avocados along with omega-3s from fatty fish.
 What Else can you do to minimize weight gain?
Make sure you’re getting eat least 7 hours of sleep per night.  Also, taking control of stress is a key factor.  What relieves your stress?  A nice walk outside and getting back to nature?  Reading a good book?  Prayer, meditation?  Whatever works to lower your stress - do IT and do it about three times a week. Stress and lack of sleep increase cortisol levels and further add to the problem of visceral abdominal fat. 

References: “Exercise, Weight Gain and Menopause”
Menopause International, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 100–104, 2010.
Exp Biol Med December 2004 vol. 229 no. 11 1127-1135.
Southwestern Medical Center. “Study shows estrogen works in the brain to keep weight in check”

Ally's Fit tips - healthy Breakfast on the GO!

Ally’s Fit Tips - Healthy Breakfasts on the Go

If you sleep late and are pressed for time in the mornings, you may be tempted to skip breakfast.  But eating a healthy breakfast is one of the most important things you can do for your health.  During the night, your metabolism slows down and will not pick back up until you eat.  If you wait until mid-morning or even lunchtime before you eat, you will have gone nearly half the day with a sluggish metabolism. 

You may also eat a more unhealthy diet during the day if you habitually skip breakfast.  Studies have shown that people who skip breakfast do not eat fewer daily calories during the day; they manage to make up for the missed morning meal during the remainder of the day.  And it is possible that you may even end up eating more calories through hunger-induced snacking.
Starting the day with a healthy, balanced breakfast is a smart choice.  You will jumpstart your metabolism, be less prone to unhealthy snacking during the day, and you will think more clearly and have more energy.  Your body needs fuel to function!

Make eating breakfast easy and convenient with these quick and healthy ideas:
1Quiche.  Use the following recipe to make up some quiches.  Freeze individual slices for a quick breakfast.  Simply pop a frozen slice in the microwave.

Easy Quiche

2/3 cup chopped ham, ground beef, or sausage, browned & drained
1 ½ cup grated cheese
1/3 cup onion, chopped
2/3 cup + cooked spinach or broccoli
½ cup milk
1 Tb cornstarch
2 eggs

Cook vegetable and onion together for a few minutes in microwave; drain.
Blend milk, eggs & cornstarch.  Mix with veggies and meat.  Pour into unbaked pie shell. 
Bake at 350 for 45 minutes or until set and light brown. 
Makes one quiche.

2.  Smoothies.  Freeze smoothies for a refreshing breakfast.  Prepare smoothie mixture and freeze in individually-sized portions.  Before you go to bed at night, remove one frozen smoothie serving from the freezer and place in refrigerator.  It will begin to thaw overnight.  In the morning, you will have a delicious, partially frozen smoothie to take with you to work or school.
Consider using some of the following ingredients in your smoothie.  Blend and freeze.
·         Yogurt
·         Milk
·         Almond milk
·         Coconut milk
·         Strawberries
·         Peaches
·         Blueberries
·         Bananas
·         Protein powder
·         Spinach leaves
·         Ground flax seeds

3.  Breakfast wraps.  If you have all the ingredients on hand, you can put together a fast breakfast wrap.  You may enjoy some the following in your wrap:
·         Scrambled eggs (cook them the night before)
·         Turkey bacon (heats up quickly in the microwave
·         Whole grain wraps
·         Shredded cheese
·         Red and green peppers
·         Onions
·         Avocado slices

Ally’s Fit Tips! 

Benefits of Eating Raw Foods

Eating raw foods is a great way to lose weight and boost health, energy and immunity, and should be part of everyone’s diet.  Raw food diets are becoming increasingly popular as more people learn about and experience the radical health improvements that consuming raw food provides. 

Raw food is exactly as its name implies:  food that is uncooked.  It is believed that when food is cooked, some of the healthful living enzymes are destroyed and rendered useless.  Eating food raw allows your body to take advantage of all the nutrients that occur naturally in the foods.  Generally, many of these nutrients are destroyed when the food reaches temperatures over 116 F.

In order to reap the benefits of eating raw, you do not have to completely stop eating cooked food.  Even replacing just some of your cooked food with fresh, uncooked food will improve your health.  Begin with choosing some of your favorite raw fruits and vegetables and begin incorporating them into your meals and snacks.  As you get used to eating raw, you will enjoy it more.  
Here are some benefits of eating raw food:
1.  Weight loss.  Most raw foods contain a good balance of water, fiber and calories.  The result is that you will feel fuller for longer after eating raw food than if you eat cooked and processed food,  This feeling of fullness will result in less snacking.  You will also be consuming fewer calories, since raw foods are generally low in calories.  Your energy levels will increase, as a direct result of consuming a high amount of nutrient.  Having extra energy will likely 
motivate you to add more exercise to your daily routine, which is a great tool for weight control.

2.  Digestion improvement.  The enzymes present in raw foods help you to digest your food better.  You may find that you have less gas, bloating and indigestion after you begin eating more raw foods.  Just keep in mind that it may take a few days for your body to adjust to eating raw; initially these foods can cause extra gas.

3.  Fewer illnesses.   The process of cooking food can create free radicals, which scientists think are at the root of many illnesses including cancer, dementia, heart disease and arthritis.  The fewer free radicals you have circulating in your body, the healthier you are.  Raw food not only contains few free radicals, but raw fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants which neutralize free radicals in your body.