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What can you do TODAY to improve your Nutrition?

First, a confession......I like chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream!  I also like eating snack food for meals (like almonds and Lara bars). 
While, technically, these food choices (except the ice cream) are healthy (the nuts are packed with fiber and healthy fats), I rely on these foods too much. Those and Lara bars. Time for me to put on my big girl panties and get serious about my nutrition - just like you are.
So how do you eat better?
What's the #1 change you could make RIGHT NOW to get better results?
The answer is not one you are wanting to hear. There is no answer that allows us to eat whatever we want and still get the results we want.
Ally’s #1 secret to eating better is...
By keeping things out of the house that I know are my trigger foods!  I never buy the cookie dough ice cream.  I get a cone of it once a year on my birthday!  That is because I know I have no self control if it is in the house.  I will eat the entire carton!
My mistakes are clear - I get lazy!!!!!! I'll go a month eating really clean and then I'll end up eating Quest protein bars or Lara bars. While these bars are "okay" (gluten-free protein bars, and better than 99% of other protein bars), they simply aren't REAL food. And that's what I - and we - should eat.  Remember - if it does not rot, you should not eat it!
So I've resolved to stop that.  I am on a mission!  I am also going to be wearing a bathing suite in a week!

I'm also going to cut back on my other vices – almonds and peanut butter!  While these are healthy, they are calorie dense and I rely on them too much!
I'm going to follow my own advice. And if I can do it, so can you.
What is the second secret?  Accountability.
If you knew that you had to honestly report your daily diet to the rest of the world, what would really eat?  Find an accountability partner.  Also just writing it down or logging it into Vitabot is a great way to stay accountable.

Here are three more secrets to eating better:

1) Have a process to stop when you are overeating. 

This could be as simple as brushing your teeth or do like my Mom.  She will eat a pickle when she is craving candy or sweets.

2) Make sure you eat all the good stuff first  - It is like getting your chores done before you can outside and play!

If I eat really clean all day for four days, I may have a little treat!
Checklists eliminates the number of bad choices you make. In most cases, you'll be too full from good food to eat much junk. 
If you don’t have the clean eating grid– email me and I will send you a copy!

3) Drink Green Tea at each meal and lots of water throughout the day.
Research - and experience - suggests people stay full longer when they have a cup of Green Tea with their meals. That's a simple way to improvement your diet. Buy a filter to put under your sink for your tap water.  It is really inexpensive and cuts down on having to recycle!
These could change your life, get you back on track, or get you off some medications you are taking. 

The power of proper nutrition – let food be your medicine!

Sorry I can't give you a magic pill...or secret ingredient to fix all of your nutrition.  Instead, just a steady diet of tough love and truth.  So suck it up, Buttercup!


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