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menopause etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
menopause etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

My Journey through Menopause

My journey through menopause is more of an update of my "Mad at Menopause" blog post.  Head on over and read that before diving in here to get the full story of my symptoms, frustrations, and actions to resolve them.My Menopause JourneyInstead of being mad at menopause, I'm now calling it...

Mad at Menopause and Finding Relief

I have been mad at menopause for awhile. Just thinking about it can bring on a hot flash. Turning 50 was an exciting time and I still enjoy being in the club. The ongoing hormonal changes my body is experiencing not so much. I will be talking very candidly about my experience with hormone...

What is up with Weight Gain and Menopause?

Hot flashes and mood changes aren't the only symptoms of menopause. Many women also say it becomes harder to control their weight around this time. And take if from me - IT"S TRUE!  With menopause and peri-menopause, estrogen levels fluctuate wildly leading to irregular periods, temperature intolerance and mood disturbances.  With menopause there is an increase in visceral fat,...