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Challenge etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Challenge etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Mt. Diablo

Every time I do something physically challenging, it makes me think of my Dad.Dad -- Hiking the PCT(FYI: if it's factually challenging, Mom's the one. In fact, we call her Moogle because when you need an answer, you just call her and she will know!). He used to drag us up and down mountains, to the...

So Long Sugar

Last week I decided to join up with Laura in a sugar detox, where we would remove all processed foods and sugars from our diet for one week. I mentioned before how I am not really a sweets person, so things like soda or dessert would not be an issue for me. However, it was kind of fun to see what there...

Beer, Bikes and Busted Plans

{1} Why is it the week I decide to avoid sugar is the week that...I go out to dinner with my brother (which I only do about once a month), my friend's band is playing at a bar in my neighborhood, the ladies at work get together for happy hour, I am meeting a friend for a birthday dinner (two times eating...

Pour Some Sugar on Me

I know you are singing this song now. Gotta love that hair. I am not one of those people that eats or craves a lot of sugar. I prefer a nice salty snack over a sweet one most of the time. However, there are a few things I either eat that have added sugar, or that I add sugar to. When I say sugar, I...

Pre-Relay Jitters

Tomorrow, I embark on something I have never embarked upon before. A relay race. I am scared. Vanessa posted this the other day, and it's a funny video where a runner explains to a non-runner what a relay race is all about.It is pretty funny, because I have been asked many of these same questions. For example: Our relay is raising money for Organs R Us. We raised a few thousand dollars. We also got...

Bookmark Break Challenge 2012

Last year I participated in AubrieAnne's Bookmark Break Challenge. She challenged everyone to get their dusty old books off the shelves and finish them! She said that if we read more books than she did in 2011, she would give us prizes! Well, I read more books than she did! In 2011, I read 66 books....

Hal's Schedule: Take II

source"Do one thing every day that scares you" - Eleanor RooseveltSo you have probably already heard me say this...a dozen times last week...or on Facebook...on on Twitter. Yes, I have been wondering for the last week or so what the heck I was thinking when I decided to bite the bullet and......sign...