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High Point etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
High Point etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Mt. Shasta

Hiking Mt. Shasta is something I never thought I would do twice. To quote myself the last time I did it: "Sometimes I wonder why people, myself included, subject themselves to such pain and misery". It started off pretty ominously. The problem with this is that we are hiking up a hill with...

Mt. Diablo

Every time I do something physically challenging, it makes me think of my Dad.Dad -- Hiking the PCT(FYI: if it's factually challenging, Mom's the one. In fact, we call her Moogle because when you need an answer, you just call her and she will know!). He used to drag us up and down mountains, to the...

Taum Sauk: High Point 4

My Dad wants to hike as many of the highest points from each state in the US as he can. He has hiked many more than me, but I have been lucky to hike several of them with him. We started with our home state of California. Mt. Whitney is the highest mountain in the continental US. I was 17 and I enjoyed...