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knitting etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
knitting etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Thick and Thin

 I was so proud of myself this winter, working on only one or two yarn projects at a time. Efficiently, I worked through one project after another. Then Spring arrived... and a flurry of inspiration! I am not even sure how many knitting and crochet projects I am in the middle of right now....

Clear and Cold

Hello Friends! Here we are in a new year. Have things fallen back in the normal pattern? All the Christmas decorations cleared away? Here too. We are mostly just trying to stay cozy and warm and not leave the house unless absolutely necessary. January isn't usually a bad month, sometimes we have a lot...


Are you soaking up summer? Drinking in all of it's loveliness? Somehow, we think fall might come early this year. There are a couple of signs it is just around the corner and the air has a fall-ish quality to it.Summer sure has whizzed by fast. I am just trying to enjoy it while it lasts!  Life...

LIttle Mitts

 I have been stocking up on little mittens for the nieces and nephew. Since it is hard to gauge how much they will grow over the summer, I am making a pair in every size! Eventually they will wear them!It took a bit of looking, but I finally found the perfect pattern, Knits for Everybody Mittens by...

March Madness

 We have gone a little mad over here. Mad for making things! There has been a lot of knitting and crocheting, baking of bread and cookies, soap making, sewing of shirts and pajamas, quilting and more knitting going on. Creativeness oozing out of us until we finally fall asleep at...


I have enjoyed getting back into the regular routine and getting the house back in order. As much as I enjoy the celebration of December it is nice to be back to normal.In our after Christmas tidying up, we also decided to do a little rearranging or rather leaving of the chairs. To accommodate...

Simple Knitting

Sometimes the easy and simple is best. Like Elizabeth Zimmerman's Garter Stitch Blanket I have been knitting. A soothing rhythm of clicking metal needles, miles and miles of speedy garter stitch, a simple woolly yarn that is washable.  Sometimes once a knitter has learned more complicated...

Knitted Ornaments

Are you getting ready for Christmas? I have been working knitted ornaments. They make great simple gifts (or last minute gifts!) and are fun and easy to whip up.My favorite so far is this Knitted Stjarna by Karolina Eckerdal. I love the ingenious construction and it's simple beauty. This...

Sock Mending

It is getting around to that time of year again, woolly sock weather! So this weekend I sorted through my  handmade socks to see which ones needed a bit of attention. In winter, I wear my socks everyday and night, so they get a pretty rigorous work out. Amazingly, they hold up very well. The...

A Raspberry Hazelhurst

What is a Raspberry Hazelhurst you ask? It is my favorite summer knitting project!!With a lovely (easy to memorize!) and mesmerizing pattern, that is soothing but at the same time not boring, the Hazelhurst Scarf is a great project for  traveling or just hanging around watching movies.The pattern...