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These official papers from the 1940s detail the men's "crimes" against the occupiers

These official papers from the 1940s detail the men's "crimes" against the occupiers

In 2018, an approach was made to the Privy Council to re-examine the 1955 appeal for three of the men.

Barrister Patrick O'Connor QC, who took up the case pro bono, said: "It was a longstanding injustice for which the courts were responsible, and which the courts should therefore remedy."

The appeal was refused in March of this year.

In its ruling, the Privy Council said: "There are a number of difficulties with this application, including the fact that the complaint of mistreatment inducing confessions could have been raised before the Privy Council in 1955, but was not."

Mr O'Connor said: "There is no other procedure to overturn these convictions. Unfortunately, this leaves this show-trial as a stain against the Guernsey system of justice which will remain for good."

For Mr Friend, it was a blow that was hard to take.

"I was really disappointed," he said. "It seems so unfair, and there's still that stain on my family's character that shouldn't be there.

"It doesn't matter that they are all dead now, the record is still there."


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