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BBC News etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
BBC News etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Every winter, capital Delhi and surrounding areas battle a haze of pollution

Every winter, capital Delhi and surrounding areas battle a haze of pollutionAs pollution levels grow, so has the chasm between the country's farmers and policy-makers, who are trying to fix a broken&nb...

Chinese bewilderment'

Chinese bewilderment'The Waiyaki Way fig tree too can breathe easy as it has also been spared.When I visited the site this week, the workmen had drawn plans for how the trenches they were digging would skirt around ...

Signal to transfer power

Signal to transfer powerFor the Kikuyu people of central Kenya, the most populous ethnic group in the country, the fig tree known as "mugumo" has traditionally been a shrine, a place of worship and sacrific...

But it is no ordinary tree.

But it is no ordinary tree.The majestic fig tree, which is 100 years old and towers over a section of Waiyaki Way in the&nb...

Coronavirus cases have spiked recently in Kenya

Coronavirus cases have spiked recently in KenyaIf the referendum does go ahead and is approved by the people, it will allow a major change to the constitution, that will restructure&nb...

Aphrodite’s Birth of Greek Mythology

Aphrodite’s Birth of Greek Mythology Homer and Hesiod tell two different stories about the origin of Aphrodite.According to the former, Aphrodite was the daughter of Zeus and the Titaness&nb...

Machine learning aims to allow computers to be able to make more human-like decisions

Machine learning aims to allow computers to be able to make more human-like decisionsGlobal law firm DWF, which helps the in-house legal teams of large corporations, is another&nb...

Piero Tintori says he was even contacted directly by a number of governments

Piero Tintori says he was even contacted directly by a number of governmentsWith the firm's headquarters in Dublin, plus offices in the US, Australia and Poland, it uses Amazon's cloud computing system Amazon&nb...

Better Examinations' technology keeps an eye on exam-sitters via their webcams

Better Examinations' technology keeps an eye on exam-sitters via their webcamsThe phones began ringing off the hook at Piero Tintori's company Better Examinations back in Apr...

These official papers from the 1940s detail the men's "crimes" against the occupiers

These official papers from the 1940s detail the men's "crimes" against the occupi...

Herbert Smith (left) died in a Gestapo prison and Charles Friend

Herbert Smith (left) died in a Gestapo prison and Charles Friend was unable to use his legs by the time he was liberated from Landsberg prison in 1...

Tuck wrote of the cruelty he experienced from guards

Some Channel Island prisoners were shackled and packed in windowless cattle trucks with other sick and starving prison...

Many policemen in the Channel Islands carried out acts of resistance against the German occupiers

Many policemen in the Channel Islands carried out acts of resistance against the German occupi...

A German band marches through St Peter Port High Street,

A German band marches through St Peter Port High Street, Guernsey - the island was occupied from June 1940 until May 1945Cambridge University academic Dr Gilly Carr, who has spent years researching the&nb...

Policemen in Guernsey were required to salute passing German officers

Policemen in Guernsey were required to salute passing German officersDuring the German occupation of their island, a group of Guernsey policemen were deported to brutal labour camps in Nazi-occupied Europe&nb...

Argentine prosecutors are investigating Diego Maradona

Argentine prosecutors are investigating Diego Maradona's doctor for possible manslaughter following the footballing legend's death four days a...

Doctors treating the victims of the New Zealand volcano

Doctors treating the victims of the New Zealand volcano are importing skin to treat those burned in the eruption.It is part of the intense medical response to treat those caught up in the disast...

New Zealand: New volcano alert system 'could have warned

New Zealand: New volcano alert system 'could have warned of White Island eruption'White Island erupted last year while a tourist group was visiting...

New Zealand's health and safety authorities have filed charges against

New Zealand's health and safety authorities have filed charges against 13 parties over last year's deadly White Island disaster.Some 22 people died when the country's most active volcano suddenly erupted last December with tourists on ...

US President-elect Joe Biden has appointed an all-female senior press team,

US President-elect Joe Biden has appointed an all-female senior press team, in what his office claims is a first in the country's history.The team will be led by Kate Bedingfield, former deputy campaign communications director for Mr Bid...