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Page 26 The First Book of Moses: The Old Testament of the King James Version of the Bible

Page 26 The First Book of Moses: The Old Testament of the King James Version of the Bible17:17  Then  Abraham  fell  upon  his  face,  and  laughed,  and  said  in  his heart,&nb...

Page 23 The First Book of Moses: The Old Testament of the King James Version of the Bible

Page 23 The First Book of Moses: The Old Testament of the King James Version of the Bible15:10  And  he  took  unto  him  all  these,  and  divided  them  in  the  midst,  and laid each piece one against another: but the&nb...

Page 2 The First Book of Moses: The Old Testament of the King James Version of the Bible

Page 2 The First Book of Moses: The Old Testament of the King James Version of the Bible1:14  And  God  said,  Let  there  be  lights  in  the  firmament  of  the  heaven  to divide  the  day  from  the  night;...

Page 1 The First Book of Moses: Called Genesis The Old Testament of the King James Version of the Bible

Page 1The First Book of Moses: Called GenesisThe Old Testament of the King James Version of the Bible1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness&nb...

Chinese bewilderment'

Chinese bewilderment'The Waiyaki Way fig tree too can breathe easy as it has also been spared.When I visited the site this week, the workmen had drawn plans for how the trenches they were digging would skirt around ...

Signal to transfer power

Signal to transfer powerFor the Kikuyu people of central Kenya, the most populous ethnic group in the country, the fig tree known as "mugumo" has traditionally been a shrine, a place of worship and sacrific...

But it is no ordinary tree.

But it is no ordinary tree.The majestic fig tree, which is 100 years old and towers over a section of Waiyaki Way in the&nb...

Coronavirus cases have spiked recently in Kenya

Coronavirus cases have spiked recently in KenyaIf the referendum does go ahead and is approved by the people, it will allow a major change to the constitution, that will restructure&nb...

Why Kenya's giant fig tree won over a president

Why Kenya's giant fig tree won over a presidentIn our series of letters from African journalists, media and communication trainer Joseph Warungu looks at the power trees seem to have over Kenyan politicia...

Aphrodite Q&A Who was Aphrodite?

Aphrodite Q&A Who was Aphrodite?Aphrodite is the Olympian goddess of love, beauty, sexual pleasure, and fertility. She is regularly attended by few of her children, the Erotes, who are capable of stirring up&nb...

Aphrodite, the Unforgiving: Hippolytus, Eos, Diomedes, Psyche

   Aphrodite, the Unforgiving: Hippolytus, Eos, Diomedes, PsycheFew dared to resist the power of Aphrodite, and she had mercy for none of&nb...

Paris and Aphrodite Greek Mythology

Paris and Aphrodite Greek Mythology Paris was the third and final mortal who was blessed with seeing Aphrodite naked. This happened when he was tasked with judging who of the three goddesses –&nb...

Anchises and Aphrodite Greek Mythology

Anchises and Aphrodite  Greek Mythology Another time, Aphrodite fell for a Trojan prince called Anchises. Pretending to be a princess herself, she seduced him ...

Adonis and Aphrodite Greek Mythology

Adonis and Aphrodite Greek Mythology Once, she took a baby boy she had found beside a myrrh tree to the Underworld and asked Persephone to take good care of&nb...

Aphrodite and Hermes Greek Mythology

Aphrodite and Hermes Greek Mythology Hermes didn’t have many consorts, but he did have Aphrodite at least once, as the very name of their offspring, Hermaphrodites, suggests. And if we take into account that Priapus is&nb...

Aphrodite and Poseidon Greek Mythology

Aphrodite and Poseidon Greek Mythology Poor Hephaestus! He couldn’t have known that when Poseidon saw Aphrodite naked, he fell in love with her all over again. He&nb...

Aphrodite and Ares Greek Mythology

Aphrodite and Ares Greek Mythology So, she started an affair with someone as destructive and as violent as herself: Ares.&nb...

Aphrodite Married to Hephaestus

Aphrodite Married to HephaestusAphrodite was so lovely that only the three virgin goddesses – Artemis, Athena, and Hestia – were immune to her charms and&nb...

Aphrodite’s Birth of Greek Mythology

Aphrodite’s Birth of Greek Mythology Homer and Hesiod tell two different stories about the origin of Aphrodite.According to the former, Aphrodite was the daughter of Zeus and the Titaness&nb...

Aphrodite of Greek Mythology Epithets

Aphrodite of Greek Mythology EpithetsWorshipped by basically everybody, Aphrodite, “the One who rises from the sea” was appropriately called Pandemos,&nb...