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Policemen etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Policemen etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

These official papers from the 1940s detail the men's "crimes" against the occupiers

These official papers from the 1940s detail the men's "crimes" against the occupi...

Herbert Smith (left) died in a Gestapo prison and Charles Friend

Herbert Smith (left) died in a Gestapo prison and Charles Friend was unable to use his legs by the time he was liberated from Landsberg prison in 1...

Tuck wrote of the cruelty he experienced from guards

Some Channel Island prisoners were shackled and packed in windowless cattle trucks with other sick and starving prison...

Many policemen in the Channel Islands carried out acts of resistance against the German occupiers

Many policemen in the Channel Islands carried out acts of resistance against the German occupi...

A German band marches through St Peter Port High Street,

A German band marches through St Peter Port High Street, Guernsey - the island was occupied from June 1940 until May 1945Cambridge University academic Dr Gilly Carr, who has spent years researching the&nb...

Policemen in Guernsey were required to salute passing German officers

Policemen in Guernsey were required to salute passing German officersDuring the German occupation of their island, a group of Guernsey policemen were deported to brutal labour camps in Nazi-occupied Europe&nb...