"1933’ten beri Almanların yüzde doksanı Adolf Hitler’i tereddüt etmeden destekliyordu. Diğer bir deyişle, desteklemeyen yüzde onluk bir kesim vardı. Hans Hubermann o yüzde on içindeydi ve bunun bir nedeni vardı." (Hırsızı Kitap – Markus Zusak)Kitap Oku, Read Book, Turkish-Turkce,
bayramcigerli.blogspot.com, Markus Zusak, Kitap Hırsızı, Saçma Sap...
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Nazi etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Nazi etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
These official papers from the 1940s detail the men's "crimes" against the occupiers
By Rohat Fatih at 06:24
BBC News, English, English Blog, English Learn, English News, English Story, Germany, Nazi, Policemen
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These official papers from the 1940s detail the men's "crimes" against the occupi...
Policemen in Guernsey were required to salute passing German officers
By Rohat Fatih at 04:34
BBC News, English, English Blog, English Learn, English News, English Story, Germany, Nazi, Policemen
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Policemen in Guernsey were required to salute passing German officersDuring the German occupation of their island, a group of Guernsey policemen were deported to brutal labour camps in Nazi-occupied Europe&nb...
Poland, Nazis, and World War II

I was forwarded this article in NPR talking about how the government of Poland is poised to pass a law making it a criminal offense to claim "...Poland was complicit in the Nazi atrocities committed on Polish soil during World War II." First allow me to say that I am not a fan of any law that...
Waffen SS In Action: Pictorial
By Tarihçi at 01:00
Friedrich Kriegsberichter Zschäckel, German war reporter, Germany, Liebstandarte, Nazi, Totenkopf, Waffen SS, Wikings
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A German war correspondent with the Waffen SS soldiers seen before Battle of Kursk. SS-Obersturmführer Friedrich Kriegsberichter Zschäckel was a veteran war reporter who went first with SS Panzer Division "Das Reich" in the attack towards Moscow in 1941. In early 1942 he was with the Division "Nord"...
By Tarihçi at 23:14
Arthur Nebe, Bruno Streckenbach, Eberhard Karl Schöngarth, Einsatzgruppen, Karl Jaeger, Killing Squads, Nazi, Nazi exterminators, Otto Ohlendorf, Rudolf Lange, Stahlecker
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Going about their daily work. Einsatzgruppe killing Poles.Einsatzgruppen. In German it means an innocuous, "task force". In reality it embodied the evil side of Nazism. During World War Two it killed about 1.3 million Jews, gypsies and Soviet commissars. They were terminators, exterminators. Giving...