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Paris and Aphrodite Greek Mythology

Paris and Aphrodite Greek Mythology 

Paris was the third and final mortal who was blessed with seeing Aphrodite naked. This happened when he was tasked with judging who of the three goddesses – 
Aphrodite, Hera, and Athena – was the fairest. Aphrodite promised Paris the most beautiful girl in the world if he chose her, so, naturally, he did. Aphrodite made sure that he gets Helen, the Spartan queen, an event which triggered the bloody decade-long Trojan War. and Aphrodite Greek Mythology 

Paris was the third and final mortal who was blessed with seeing Aphrodite naked. This happened when he was tasked with judging who of the three goddesses – Aphrodite, Hera, and Athena – was the fairest. Aphrodite promised Paris the most beautiful girl in the world if he chose her, so, naturally, he did. Aphrodite made sure that he gets Helen, the Spartan queen, an event which triggered the bloody decade-long Trojan War.

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