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 Filenews 18 August 2020 -  by Marilena Panagi

New measures are being reintroduced by the Government, which is being re-drafted in the run-up to autumn, but also because of the resurgence of the pandemic, both at national and European level, and is already studying specific scenarios aimed at preventing the further spread of the coronavirus in Cypriot society.

In fact, the measures prepared by the Ministry of Health and put before the Scientific Advisory Committee, it is planned that they will be valid until at least mid-January 2021, since according to the official estimates of the European Centre for Disease Control and the recent relevant points of the European Union, the pandemic will not subside until mid-2021 and if and when the vaccine is certainly perfected and the vaccination of most of the population of each Member State is possible.

The designation of 50 people per assembly on a cyprus basis, the organisation of weddings and baptisms with a number of guests of no more than 350people, as well as the strict restrictions on dining areas, are included in the relevant suggestions which are expected to be discussed tomorrow between the Minister of Health and scientists during a planned teleconference with the aim of re-evaluating the epidemiological picture of Cyprus and taking decisions in principle.

In particular, the Minister of Health is reported to have proposed the validity of the measures he is proposing by 15 January and is asking scientists for their official positions on his suggestions.

According to the recommendations of the Minister of Health:

- Weddings and baptisms should be limited to 350 people per case.

- Extends the measure of 50 people per assembly which has been in force in recent weeks in Limassol, on a cyprus basis.

- Furthermore, the restrictions that currently apply to dining areas and bars with regard to the permitted number of regulars, which is set at 150 people indoors and 250 people outdoors, remain in force.

- For dining areas, however, another restriction is added which has already provoked reactions, since it intends that their opening hours will end no later than 1:00 a.m.

- Which means that clubs and nightclubs won't reopen in the next period either.

- Concerts/festivals/festivals/exhibitions are prohibited.

- For theatres, conferences, etc., the measures currently in force will remain in force.

Of course, the measure concerning the compulsory use of masks by persons over 6 years of age in all enclosed spaces remains in force, and this measure is expected to be extended and applied to school facilities, including classrooms for older children, at the start of the new school year.

During tomorrow's teleconference with the Scientific Advisory Committee, the Minister of Health will await the scientists' positions and their suggestions, which he will then probably transfer to the Council of Ministers for further study and final decisions.

Of course, everything will depend both on the epidemiological data recorded in the coming days in Cyprus and in the neighbouring countries, where there has been a significant increase in cases of coronavirus in recent weeks, and it is not excluded that a new meeting of the Scientific Committee with the President of the Republic will take place.

Recreation centres are already reacting

The intentions of the Health Ministry, which have been leaked to the Association of Leisure Centre Owners, have already provoked reactions, with PASIKA raising a series of questions since yesterday, warning that the closure of businesses at 1:00 a.m. will cause huge economic and social consequences.

Among other things, PASIKA raises the question of whether this proposal will be made on the basis of a study showing that the owners of leisure centres, and in particular those who host people after 10:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m., can afford such a measure, that they will be able to afford their obligations through the very few hours of work they will have left to work. , and indeed in an already burdened environment.

It also wonders what will happen, for example, if this measure will force hundreds of businesses to close across the world and with the thousands of workers and their families who will be directly affected. Moreover, he notes that a large percentage of tourists come to Cyprus just for fun, even the "lame" offered to them this year. Finally, he welcomes his calls for dialogue and cooperation and says that he has requested an urgent meeting with the Minister of Health to discuss the issue.

7 cases of random sampling

Twelve new cases of coronavirus were announced yesterday by the Ministry of Health, seven of which resulted from 1,182 samples taken under the 10,000 sample control programme.

With seven incidents yesterday the number of cases that have occurred so far through this programme reaches 17, since by 16 August another 10 cases were detected with the total number of samples completed amounting to 6,790.

The results of the programme so far also show that the dispersion of the coronavirus is not local in nature since the 17 cases concern people from all provinces.

For the remaining five cases, three resulted from the tracing of confirmed cases and two from the random checks carried out at airports.

However, the competent authorities expect the return of Cypriots from their holidays, especially Cypriots who have chosen destinations such as Greece where there is, as in the rest of Europe, a significant resurgence of the coronavirus pandemic.

It is also considered important in the next fortnight with regard to the domestic transmission of the virus, since the three-day period of 15 August may have caused the creation of new transmission chains. For this reason, it is not excluded that final decisions on the new measures to be announced by the government should be transferred for the beginning of September, when it will also be possible to analyse the results of the programme of 10 000 random samplings.



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