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 Filenews 27 August 2020

In view of the recent resurgence of the epidemic in the Republic of Cyprus and the increased domestic transmission of SARS-COV-2 within the community, it is considered necessary to use the face mask in all enclosed spaces, by adults and children over 12 years of age.

Therefore, this document has been prepared by the COVID-19 Advisory Scientific Committee in cooperation with the Epidemiological Surveillance Unit of the Ministry of Health, as a revised guide to the optimal use of masks in the community (general public and workplaces other than health care facilities) in the Republic of Cyprus during the COVID-19 pandemic, based on the revised international literature.

Why we should wear a face mask

The use of a face mask in the community (outside health care facilities) is applied with the aim of significantly reducing the spread of COVID-19 infection. This is especially important in enclosed spaces where the virus load can increase if the infected person is in close proximity to us.

Using a mask may provide a false sense of security, which may lead to reduced application of other personal protective measures. Therefore, the need to continue to apply all individual protection measures regardless of mask application, such as physical distancing, hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene, avoidance of hand-to-face contact, proper and continuous ventilation of enclosed spaces.

The use of the mask IN NO CASE DOES NOT SUPPORT the other precautionary and personal hygiene measures.

What kind of face mask do we wear in the community?

Depending on the case, the medical mask (simple surgical mask) or non-medical face mask that meets quality criteria as defined by the Consumer Protection Agency may be used. Non-medical face masks include many forms of mask, handmade (improvised or commercial), as well as face coverings made of fabric or other materials. They are not standard and are not intended for use in healthcare settings.

Face shields are not included in face masks and can only be used as an additional layer of protection over the face mask (and not individually). In addition, the use of a high protection mask (FFP2/FFP3), PITTA masks and valve masks is NOT recommended within the community.

Medical face masks (simple surgical masks) are mainly used by health professionals. Therefore, it should be ensured that medical masks are available and that in the event of shortages, priority will be given to their use by health professionals. Medical masks comply with the requirements set out in European standard EN 14683:2019.

When should medicine be chosen (simple surgical mask in the community (and avoid non-medical masks):

  1. In cases where there is a significant risk of serious outcome of vulnerability infection (vulnerable groups). In the following cases the use of the mask may also serve as a means of protection.
  2. In cases with COVID-19-compatible symptoms, compatible symptoms may include: fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, easy fatigue, headaches, tastelessness/dysgeia, immunity. Other symptoms have also been reported, such as anorexia, nasal congestion, runny nose, headache, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. . Symptoms include the immediate use of a mask regardless of space (closed or open) and communication with a personal physician.

What are the steps of proper use and mask removal:

  1. Apply hand hygiene before placing the mask
  2. Apply the mask to the face so that it fully covers the nose, mouth and chin (fixed, no gaps)
  3. Pressure of the metal element on the back of the nose (if available)
  4. Insurance with laces in the middle of the back of the head and neck. If it is a mask with elastic loops these are applied around the ears
  5. Avoid hand contact with the mask after placement, otherwise apply hand hygiene before and after contact
  6. Remove the mask slowly and carefully by grasping only the laces first below and then above. In the case of a mask with elastic loops, it is removed while grasping the bronchi,
  7. Application of hand hygiene
  8. Carefully dispose of a trash can (if disposable) or stored in a closed container/bag until washed (if reusable-preferred cardboard bag)

What are the instructions to follow for non-medical masks (and improvised fabrics):

In case of use of a non-surgical mask, regardless of fabric material, it is recommended to ensure the following:

  • use of a fabric mask of at least 2 layers
  • dense weaving material is recommended cotton weave
  • the mask adequately covers the face from the chin to the nose
  • adapt to the face to ensure unhindered breathing

The use of a reusable non-medical mask should strictly follow the manufacturer's storage, washing and reuse instructions. For reusable improvised fabric masks it is recommended to wash them daily.

Check the instructions on the clothing label of the makeshift mask and verify that washing with hot water is tolerable. Choose fabrics washed with hot water, 60°C, with soap or laundry detergent. In the case of polypropylene masks (PP) the washing temperature is up to 125°C.

Source: eyenews



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