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New Apron Finds!

Lately, it has been a bonanza of  apron finds! In the last two weeks I have ended up with almost a dozen! Today, I am going to share eight with you as I have already gifted a few. Since it is summer, and all the aprons smelled of moth balls, a photo shoot on the clothesline seemed very fitting!
 The majority of the aprons came from an estate sale. The lady was a seamstress and amazing embroiderer.
 This one needs a little help. I didn't notice if I bought it with a rip or if it happened in the wash. (Have you ever tried to remove the smell of moth balls from fabric? It likes to linger...) Surely, I can think of something creative to hide/fix it.
I love all the sweet details.

This striped one isn't my favorite. I think I need to pass it on to someone that can appreciated it more!

But the construction is marvelous! I think I might even have a similar pattern. And as always, the attention to detail is perfect. Ric-Rac around the edge, french seams and a notched waistband.

 This is a cheery little gem! I think Mandy might adopt it, as she loves red.

More details; a horizontal piece of fabric for the hem creating a lovely stripe. Stripes also on the pocket and waistband.

 A sweet little dotted swiss apron. This one looks commercially made for a costume as it has embroidered straps.

I love textured fabric! And the bitty lace edging is the perfect accent.

 This one I picked up at an antique store, I fell in love with the fabric!

How could I resist fruit clocks?

 How much more classic can you get then blue gingham? This apron was meticulously hand sewn.

 I had to add an extra picture of the embroidery, it is so exquisite.

 Here is another cute frilly apron with white eyelet.
Love this fabric! I wonder if it was scraps from a project, as it is pieced in several places. Perhaps leftovers from a shirt dress?

 A printed fabric apron with large pockets. Don't they look practical? I love the size.


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