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Summer Garden

 Even though the backyard is not large, it is a cozy and sheltered place to enjoy summer!
I don't think I have posted about the back this year. There have been a few changes, but we love the simplicity.

 The biggest change was to adding another raised garden bed. We had always planned on adding a second bed, but wanted to give them a try before we invested in two.
 We love them! Everything is tidy and within easy reach. The back bed, which we had veggies in last year is now the strawberry patch.
 Cucumber vine with plenty of flowers. Can't wait for pickles!
As Mandy and I were poking around in the garden, weeding and gathering, we noticed we had a visitor! Who was trying to hard to be invisible. She was a little thing, about as big as my hand. We were a little worried she might have been stuck in the raised bed, but when we later went back to check, she was gone.
 The raised beds are 4' x 4', but we have managed to fit quite the garden in it! Cucumbers, radishes, carrots, beans, lettuce, celery with parley and basil at the corners.
Basil and carrots.
 Another of this year's projects was putting a screen on the back door. It is a good old fashioned wooden one that thwacks when you close it!

It is so nice to be able to leave the door open and know that the bugs and critters are going to stay out. I painted the screen door the same blue as the back steps and furnished it with a vintage handle.

Asters, which are getting close to blooming.

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