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Gardening etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Gardening etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Stop and Smell the Flowers

This year, I am trying to remember to slow down and enjoy the summer! It can go by so fast and there are so many things we have been waiting and planning to do. And now helping Becky with her house June is speeding by. 

 Mandy and I planted a variety of our favorite flowers in the backyard pots. This year we kept them all the same and just packed the plants in! There are petunias, zinnias, snapdragons, vinca vine and we still have to plant dahlias and gladioli bulbs.

And one pot, which was a last minute decision, holds tomatoes and marigolds. Since tomato plants take up a lot of space in the garden beds we decided to try them in a pot this year.

 Mandy decided to try the "Square Foot Gardening" approach this year. It is very tidy will all the squares.

I meant to get a post up two weeks ago on the garden, but time escaped me. Now you can see how much it has grown in those two weeks! It always amazes me.

 The garden freshly planted two weeks ago..........

...........and here it is already turning into a jungle!

Basil and marigolds happily tucked in the corner.

We also decided to put up fencing around the raised beds this year. We had a mamma bunny try to make a nest in the strawberries this spring. So far the fencing it working, we still have beans!

 And strawberry season is already here! We have already picked about two quarts.

The little apple tree is also doing very good. I counted 67 little apples on it!! Not all the apples will grow to maturity, but even if only half make it, that will be a lot of apples!

I hope you all are having a lovely June. Don't forget to stop and smell the flowers!

The Life of an Apple

September is apple picking season here in Wisconsin and we are hoping to include it on this weekend's itinerary. Including the picking of my backyard apples! I have two to be exact. I have loved every minute of watching them grow and I have taken way too many pictures! 
Here is a little photo journal of the Life of an Apple.

 Mid May

 Beginning of June

 Mid July

 Mid August

 Mid September


The hydrangeas are doing really well this year. I love all the shades of pink the flowers go through!

Vibrant, rich pink when they first bloom.....
A muted dusty rose pink when they are finished.......
And a lovely soft pink in between.

  I am just now figuring out how/when to prune and what hydrangeas needs for upkeep. This bush  in the front of the house which is very shady for most of the day, but it doesn't seem to mind. The variety is "Invincible Spirit", which I chose for the color!

Petunias, Zinnias and Dalias

It has been busy busy the last couple of weeks, life racing along! So instead of making my tired little brain work even harder I will just let the pictures speak for themselves.
And hopefully, next week I will be back with a better post!

Summer Geraniums

Summer isn't complete without geraniums! This year there are reds ones on the porch..........

 ....................And bright pink in the flower beds!

If at First You Don't Succeed.......

If at first you don't succeed, try, try again! This has always been my motto for gardening. If the plants don't look right or aren't growing good in one spot, try them somewhere else! (Not that it always worked! Ha!)
Last year, I wasn't too excited about my front flower beds. They were just okay. I thought in another year when it grew in I would like them better. But this Spring I realized it was the not-so-clear landscape plan I wasn't enchanted with!
  I also realized I was trying to make both sides of the flowers beds too even. Obviously the right side is larger, no getting around that! A tidy semi-formal landscape was what I was leaning toward, something that would be welcoming and soften the yard, but not overwhelm the tiny yard or house. I also knew what plants I wanted, but didn't know where I wanted them.
Then inspiration hit! On our walk one morning, I spied a front flower bed I liked and thought it would work for my house too. Now all I had to do was wait until it was warm enough to garden!
It was one of my first projects on the list this spring and I finally got the finishing touchs done last week! 
 Bleeding Heart  and Geraniums are filling in until I find another bush, (probably a hydrangea) on the right side of the stairs.
 I choose very traditional plants, planted in three rows; back row, Hydrangea, next a row of Boxwood and then Geraniums.
 Since Geraniums are annuals, next year I might plant something else!
 You can't see them in this picture, but there are three more little Hydrangea bushes there. Hopefully they will make it!
Coral Bells by the front step. One of my favorites. I am so excited to see them blooming this year!
 Now I just need lots of warm weather to get things growing!
 We also tried coco shells for our mulch. It is looking very nice and the smell is heavenly!