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Sewing Sorbetto

 I have been into sewing the last few weeks. And mostly on a Sorbetto Top craze! Sounds like ice cream, doesn't it? Makes me think of lazy summer days. Above are five tops I have made for myself and I am now working on outfitting the sisters! They are so addicting to make!

 There are so many things to love about this top! It has a bit of a vintage feel to it; it is so simple it can be whipped up in two hours, and because it is basic it is really easy to add details like ruffles, scallops, pleats or lace.  
I also love the fit, it is the perfect balance between fitted and looseness, making it so comfy to wear! The only modifications I made was to add 2" in length and shorten the bust dart by 1/2". 

 You can find the Sobetto Top pattern at Colette Patterns in a free download! I have been following the Colette blog for a couple of years now and always find her designs beautiful and inspiring.

The Sorbetto only takes 1-1.5 yards of fabric, so it is a great project for using up small pieces.
So far I have made six for myself and I have two more planned! But the nice thing is I have bought fabric for only one! The blue flowered top on the dress form was a tunic shirt, the bright pink was a yard of fabric given to me, the pale pink was a linen skirt and the other two were fabric left over from other projects. 

I think the sewing room is going to need a bit of tiding this weekend......

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