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5 on a friday etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
5 on a friday etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

All About The Week!

In honor of my birthday on Wednesday, I am taking a 5-day weekend. I was off today and go back to work Tuesday, so my weekend is well under way. The week has been pretty fun and I had a wonderful birthday. I received a ton of messages, texts, and comments from you guys which consistently put a big smile on my face throughout the day; so much so that my cheeks were hurting, hehe.

Tuesday evening after the work and the gym, mama and I decided to go out since it was her last evening in Charlotte with me. I was spoiled after her staying 5 times. I still cry every time she leaves, too. While we were out, we grabbed an ice-cream cupcake for my birthday! They were from a local ice-cream shoppe and were delicious.
I did not take my birthday off of work since I wanted to do a long weekend. I worked as usual then hit the gym. I felt strong and pushed hard. I did 20 minutes on the StairMill, an upper body weight circuit, then ended with a mile of sprint intervals on the track. Like last week, I pushed my speed to the limit. I was dead after but it felt amazing. However, my right heel was hurting a lot. It is still hurting tonight actually. After the gym I rushed home to finish packing to go out of town. I packed all of my healthy must have snacks, made myself a power smoothie (fresh kale, spinach, flax and chia seeds, orange juice, pineapple, and mango), and then I was on my way.
I drove to Greensboro to spend a couple of days with my fabulous grandparents! When I arrived, my grandmother had a couple of birthday presents waiting for me in "my room". She bought me another bottle of the pineapple vinaigrette I made a couple of weeks ago when she and I went to an olive oil store, and an adorable manicure set. She then told me she found an old photo album when she was cleaning. We looked through a lot of my baby pictures and I loved the ones of she and I in my old Barbie car. I was obsessed with that thing!
I did not sleep well last night so I was up early this morning. I had breakfast with grandma then did some writing while starting the first season of "Breaking Bad". It was a great setup I had going on if you ask me, ha!
Later in the afternoon we ran errands then went to her best friend's hair salon so I could get my roots touched up. I can't believe how my fast my hair is growing either. I cut it at the beginning of June and it has already grown well over an inch. It's volumious too! If there is one thing I love more than big hair, it's bigger hair. I swear by Biotin.

After my hair was finished, we came back home to get ready, then she and my papa took me out for my birthday dinner. We went to one of my favorite restaurants; The Village Tavern. It was heaven in my mouth. I had a bleu cheese wedge salad (wedge salad's are so much cooler than regular salad's by the way) and a chicken dish that had these flavorful black beans.

The rest of the evening was spent talking, making plans, and enjoying time together. Spending time with my grandparents rejuvanates my soul and motivates me to keep working hard. They are my biggest supporters and make me feel like anything is possible. They were not always like that though; I had to prove myself. It's a refreshing feeling! Now I'm off to watch more "Breaking Bad" and try to get a good night of sleep.

Linking up today!

A Wonderful Weekly Wrap - Friday 5!

I hope everyone has had a wonderful week. Mine was pretty pleasant; lots of work and training, but those are two things I love so win/win. I am ready for the weekend though!

(1) Monday my legs were screaming at me. I could not believe I was so sore from my workout on Sunday. I was even more sore than when I go hiking; it was a great feeling especially since I did not even want to train Sunday, but I pushed on. After work, I forced myself to the gym for 45 minutes on the Elliptical and an upper body circuit. Once I finished at the gym, I checked my mail like I usually do. That was when my day was made!

Next weekend my girlfriend Sandra and I will be spending the entire weekend at "Carolina Rebellion" letting our inner metal head shine through. Most people cannot believe I love heavy metal so much, but what can I say? I am weird person, ha! This concert is going to epic. My favorite band in the world will be there; Five Finger Death Punch. I am so in love with the lead singer; Ivan. I hope to meet him to let him know that we are getting married. 

(2) Tuesday work went by as normal then I took the evening off from the gym. I was still really sore and I knew if I kept pushing myself even when I was hurting so much, my workouts would continue to suffer. When I got to my apartment, I realized I had a package in the office waiting for me.

Thank you to Infulenster and PUR water! They sent a water filtration system  for me to try and write about. This is very special to me because this my first time being able to do this solely because of my blog! I have had opportunities in the past to receive compensation and products in lieu of writing, promoting, and reviewing them, but it just did not feel right. I am all for obtaining compensation whenever you can, but I just don't know how I can be passionate about tampons or toilet paper, ha! However, filtered water? Yes please! I drink water like it is going out of style. I swear I walk 5 miles a day from my office to the bathroom at work. I constantly have a glass of water by my side all day long. It is one of the healthiest habits I have. However, I am really bad about buying plastic water bottles from the grocery store and throwing them away once I have finished drinking the water. I would like to be more environmentally friendly so this was the perfect opportunity. I know my water is filtered and it tastes great. I can truly tell a difference in the taste, which I have heard people say before, but I did not really expect. I had another water filtration system a year or so ago but I did not use it. The pitcher was too small thus I was constantly having to re-fill it and changing the filter was expensive and a pain to do. Pur is much more affordable and simple plus the pitcher is the perfect size. I am thoroughly enjoying this product and will continue using it. What do you guys think?

(3) Wednesday morning I was running late for work. Ugh I hate being late for anything. My poor Marty had a hair ball (his hair is ridiculously long) and he got sick all over the living room. So my day started wonderfully, ha. I ended up only being about 10 minutes late, and when I walked in I had a beautiful surprise waiting for me! I was cheesing like no other!

It was "Administrative Professionals Day" and my president surprised me with the more gorgeous arrangement of flowers. They are perfect for spring and I love the assortment of colors. He did a great job of picking them out - I was thoroughly impressed. Normally I am the one planning surprises or gifts for fellow manager's or employees, so having the role reversed on me for once was great!

Update: the flowers have bloomed so beautifully since Wednesday morning! They look gorgeous.

(4) Yesterday my order arrived. I can't rave about that company enough. I placed my order Tuesday evening with regular shipping and received it Thursday. That is stellar service right there. They had a killer deal where you could buy Jamie Eason's protein powder and receive a 90 capsule bottle of the multi-vitamins for free! It was like this sale was speaking to me because I had one multi-vitamin left and I was completely out of protein.

I am sipping on the protein now for breakfast and I have to say it is delicious. I mixed it with unsweetened vanilla almond milk. I like it because there is no artificial sweeteners, flavors, colors, and it's gluten free. It's a great brand of protein!

(5) Say hello to my friend, Maegan. Her blog is "Creating Confidence". To all of my amazing friends and readers, please pop over and say hello to her. She is trying to grow and spread the message of her blog, and I could not more excited to help promote her. You guys know I am all about "girl power" and empowering women -- so is she. I worked with Maegan at LA Fitness and she is a wonderful friend of mine. Another fun fact - she was on America's Got Talent. Y'all know that is my favorite show. She writes about being a teenager and young woman in the American society. She also provides interesting prospective's on how the media and TV affects us from our looks to behaviors. Maegan posts are refreshing and a must have on your blog roll! She is guest posting for me soon and I can't wait to see what she has to say and write about it. 

 photo meagan_zps8cdd5b9e.jpg

Off to take on the work day then let the weekend begin! Linking up today!

Let's catch up?! (Friday 5)

Well hello! I have not written a Friday 5 in a couple of weeks since I have been on a motivation and recipe kick, so I wanted to catch up. It is not technically Friday yet, but it's Little Friday so that totally counts. 

My weeks are usually monotonous, but in a positive way. I work 8-5 Monday-Friday, train hard after my work day is over then go home; make dinner, get ready for the next day, shower, and work on my blog while watching trashy reality TV. However, work has been busier than ever so by the time I get home from a long day of that and training, I have been passing out on the couch. I need to catch up on your guys blogs and I promise to when things slow down. Hopefully within the next couple of weeks they will. Nonetheless, I have great recipes and things scheduled so I vow to still deliver good content.

(1) Work has been nonstop and I have been thriving and enjoying it. Unfortunately my HR mentor announced that she will be transitioning to our brother company in two weeks. She has been offered an executive position there and I could not be more happy for her. Teresa has been my rock here. I am going to miss her so, so much. The only good side to this is my Human Resource responsibilities will be growing. Which is great. I am in the midst of planning a big event for my company for our quarterly meeting and that has been so much fun. I love being able to plan all our company events; we do quite a bit.  Also, my company takes sports very seriously, ha! We always show our team spirit for our Charlotte Panthers and we go all out for other sports as well. This month we have been all about March Madness. We had a luncheon last week with the games playing in the break room while every ate. Each department has a bracket for the games as well. I designed a trophy for the team that wins. I think it is so awesome. This boosts team work and morale in the work place so I am all for it. Sometimes we get so set in our routines that it is good to shake it up a bit.

I received my (2) Ipsy bag last week. Another great month - thank you Ipsy! I am in love with everything that came - except the self tanner. I use Famous Dave's and will never use another brand, ha. So I mailed Kerry mine and she mailed me her lipstick. Ipsy trades are awesome. In the below picture, I am wearing the dark brown eye shadow, Bare Minerals lipstick, and the eccentric blue eyeliner. They are all wonderful. If you don't know what Ipsy is, it is a monthly makeup bag that you receive via mail for only $10 a month. Your are billed on the first of each month and the products arrive in the middle. Included is a makeup bag each month along with 4-5 beauty products. If you want to join, please use my link, just click here.

Even though I have been tried most evenings when I get home from working and training, I have been on a roll with new recipes. The best ones pop in my head at the most random times so I write down the ingredients, throw them all together, and hope for the best. Sometimes it requires quite a bit of trial and error. A perfect example - my healthy, clean pizza. It took me three times to get the crust the right way. Since I have been creating so many new recipes lately (3) I now have a "Clean Eats" page at the top of my blog. Clean eating is the most important aspect of losing weight and staying healthy thus I want you guys to have easy access to all of the recipes I post. Be on the look out because more will be coming!

(4) I changed my dining room. A couple of weeks ago, I had to make a Target run for my boss. I ended up purchasing a candle for myself, a pair of jeans, and this awesome wine decor. Who can truly go into Target, look around, and not buy anything? Certainly not I. I put the decals in my dining room and I liked it, but did not love it. Something was missing. This week I found small table, put an old curtain thing on it, a lamp I was not using, a piece of decor, and now I feel like my look is complete. Now I love it.

(5) I am still on a roll with my weight loss. I am training harder than ever and keeping up with clean eating - my struggle, ha. I did not lose any weight last week, meaning the scale did not change, but I did lose 1.4 pounds of pure fat. I just added muscle so there was not weight change. Which is totally fine by me. I will go to my doctor tomorrow for my B12 injection so hopefully the scale will be less, and if it isn't, hopefully I have dropped more fat. I am feeling absolutely fantastic though. I am finally at a point where my normal clothes are getting too big for me, people are noticing left and right, I am SO strong in the gym - I am hiking like crazy and improving on my time, and I just feel beautiful and confident. It has been a long, long time since I felt this way. Oh and my booty is growing too. I love it! I hope I never lose it. Now if I could just improve my arms! Everyone has their trouble spots and mine are my arms. It just takes time, I am doing the right things. 

I am leaving for Charleston with Kelly tomorrow at lunch and will be back Sunday. Then Monday I taking a mental health day from work and going hiking. My father is back in the hospital for the pain in his legs so I will probably go home next weekend when he is settled back into his house to stay and help he and my step mom out. Please keep him in your prayers. Have a great weekend everyone!

Sunshine, Friendship, and The Week - Friday 5

TGIF, friends. This week has actually been a great week. I have never longed for Spring and Summer so much in my life. Maybe it is because I feel so much better about myself now, but I am becoming so impatient. We were given a tease Saturday through Tuesday here and I took advantage of it as much as I could! However, I am irritated because I have been so sore, all week long. I love it for the first day or so, but now I am off over it. My thighs better be shaping up good after all of this!

Monday was my off day from the gym. I came home and made a new recipe (which by the way is out of this world delicious), did some cleaning, and (1) I had a fabulous new workout top arrive. Not only is it pink, the best color ever, but I love the saying on it. How freaking true? It is so motivating and the perfect saying for when you're hard at work at the gym. The shirt is from Blessons Apparel!

(2) Tuesday was the most beautiful day and I soaked up every second of it. I left work a little early, put the top back, and drove home. I did the Hot Mess Express for half an hour then Kelly and I ran two miles on the Greenway. I am so lucky to have my gym, LA Fitness across the parking lot and a beautiful 4 mile Greenway to run on. If that doesn't keep someone on track, I don't know what could! Great thing I picked my particular apartment complex - I just knew it felt right.

After our awesome run, Kels and I walked to Hickory Tavern for a bottle of Pinot and patio time. Because, duh - we exercise to drink our wine, ha! The weather was beautiful and we work out butt's off, so we deserved it. We had the best time. 

Wednesday, I received some bad news about my father. Luckily, the rain stopped and turned out to be another beautiful, warm day. My best friend was there for me the whole evening. Kelly and I went to the gym, had a killer work out, then she and her dad took me to a delicious dinner. (3) I am so thankful for friendship. We of course had to snap a a sweaty, post workout picture. Our more glamorous state. Ha!

(4) Thursday morning my cat was on another level. He ran around all night being psycho. Marty definitely has the biggest personality of any cat I have ever seen, but this was crazy! I woke up to him going through my medicine cabinet! Ha! I love him more than anything, he is nuts.

(5) My dad. I feel like I talk about him all of the time on my blog, but his cancer really affects me. I have never had to deal with a terminal illness like cancer nor have I lost a close family member before. This is all so new to me and difficult to swallow. I talk about the pain sometimes on my blog, because writing is my therapy and outlet. Plus I feel like you can never ask for too many prayers. I received a call that my father was rushed to the ER at Duke. There is a hospital 10 minutes away from my parents in my hometown, why did he have to go 2 hours to Duke? Turns out the cancer is eating away at his bone. The doctors attempted to do surgery and couldn't. Nor could they do radiation. They sent him home with a morphine drip. My dads battle with cancer is tearing me apart. I can only imagine how he feels. The cancer started in 2006 in his kidney, which was removed and he was cancer free until 2011 when there was a tumor found in his brain. That was removed and then we found out that it was in his leg bone and pelvis as well, so it had been in his blood stream. Thus it is not curable. My family has been on this terrible rollercoaster ride of good news, bad news good news, good news, and everyday it gets hard. My father has fought so damn hard and for so long. And there is not much I can do for him. I wish I could take it all away from him and put it in me, but I can't. I visit my dad when I can, I call to say I love him, and I made a picture for him that can hopefully cheer him up.

My dad is a really hard person to buy gifts for. He doesn't really have any hobbies or any likes, besides the Beatles. I have gotten him so much Beatles stuff that I lost count. I thought the picture of he and I and our favorite song may help him. He used to sing "Butterfly Kisses" to me all of the time. I cried like a baby while trying to make this for him last night. Until a few months ago, I really distanced myself from my dad. I rarely saw him, rarely talked, and I pretended that the cancer didn't exist. Any time someone would ask me about him, I would reply that he was receiving his treatments and doing OK. I would never talk about it because I was living in denial. I did not want to believe it, because I don't feel strong enough to handle it. However, I have slowly changed myself over the last few months and realized my selfishness will not help him. I try to be a better daughter everyday and realize this is not about me, it is about him.

Have a great weekend everyone.

A busy week on the grind! (Friday 5)

Thank you G ZUS! It is going to Friday in just a couple of hours. Can I just tell everyone how happy I am to see this day? I am so tired. I am so sore. I am SO ready to relax and sleep in for the next two days. I have basically had a really boring week. All I have done is slave away at my job and my workouts.

If you have ever read my about me page: The Blonde Behind The Blog, you know that my office does not officially have a Human Resources department. By the end of the year, I will be the director because that is my passion in the business world. Thus, a LOT of my time is spent with the acting Human Resources Manager training, and meeting after meeting creating policies and procedures. Combine that with hard workouts and clean eating, and I have had hard week on my grind. Which is productive, but I need a little bliss. I go for my B12 injection and weigh tomorrow afternoon at my doctor's office, I hope to see a good change on the scale. 

Monday, nothing great happened, (1) but I did get my hair done. Ladies, my hair was awful and my red had completely faded. I am werdio and I love my hair platinum blonde and red. I am extremely excited to be back to normal!

Tuesday, nothing great happened. I worked all day as always. During work, (2) I tried a new Quest Bar flavor. It was alright. It was tolerable, but I doubt I will purchase again, unless I am desperate. Ha. After work, Kelly could not make it to the gym. And since it was a cardio and core day, I decided to just go home and do my "Hot Mess Express" workout. I have absolutely got to get a video up for you guys. I promise you, it will work you like never before. I am extremely muscular and work out religiously, and every time I do this random workout I created, it kills me. My stomach, booty, and thighs are super sore.

Wednesday, nothing great happened. (3) We had 70 degree weather though! I love living in Charlotte. Last Wednesday we were knee deep in snow and this Wednesday I am driving around with the top down on my car. I thoroughly enjoyed it though. I rocked a skirt and did not even have to wear hose!

My hair was getting a bit oily, but I don't want to wash it just yet because I don't want my red to fade. I usually wash my hair every other day, but since I just got it done Monday evening, I want to wait until tomorrow night to wash it. I have just been using dry shampoo and leave in conditioner. So I turned to my new favorite way to do my hair; (4) a head braid! I braid it at night, sleep on it (it stays fine), spray a little de-frizz on in the morning, and I am good to go. I basically taught myself how to do it. I watched a video on YouTube for about 30 seconds, but grew annoyed because the woman was not making any sense and I could not see what she was doing. It took a lot of trail and error. 

Today has been busy, busy, busy! I accidentally set my alarm for 6:30 PM instead of AM. I woke up 10 minutes before I was supposed to be at work, ha! And the only reason that happened is because I heard a school bus and even from my somber, I knew something was not right.

For lunch at work, we had our monthly "Celebrate Us" party. Once a month we either do breakfast, lunch, or dessert for all of the birthdays and work anniversary's during that specific month. Since I am the Office Manager I kind of consider myself chairman of the "Social Committee" (ha ha). Initially everyone wanted to do fattening desserts in lieu of Valentine's Day, but I finally convinced everyone to opt for a salad buffet instead. A lot of people agreed too! Our health insurance is doing a "Sugar Smasher" challenge and employees signed up to participate so we did not want to derail anyone with sugary desserts. Also, at my desk, there was previously a big bowl of candy that the old Office Manager used to keep full. I have replaced it with mints. Surprisingly people enjoy that as well. (5) Slowly but surely, I and the acting Human Resources Manager are working diligently on getting the office healthy and happy!

After work, the weather was still absolutely beautiful. I put the top down and headed home. Kelly came over and we did "The Hot Mess Express" workout OUTSIDE. Perfect day for it! After, we still wanted to cruise with the top back so we took the long way to the grocery store to get a bottle of wine! Now I'm hanging out with Kels, drinking a glass of wine, and catching up on the new season of "The Real World" (this season is so good). 

I hope you guys have a great weekend and be sure to check out all of the awesome Friday link-up's going on! They are such an awesome way to find new blogs and catch up with your friends. 

One last thing...

I made it into the top 3 nominations for "Healthiest Honey's" blog award. If you are my friend and enjoy reading my blog, could you please take one second and vote for me? I can't do this without you! Thank you so much to anyone who helped me get thus far. It was an amazing surprise and it would be great to get the award! Health and fitness are my passions. Click here to go vote!

Announcing the My So-Called Chaos Best Of Blog Awards: Nominate Your Favorite Blogs/Bloggers

It has been a really weird week (Friday 5)

We are at another Friday. Thank goodness. One of my best friends is coming down to stay the weekend with me, which of course I am excited about, but I am most excited about sleeping in. (Ha, love you Jen!) This week has been okay, but just... odd. I think it's mainly due to my own mental state. I can be pretty crazy, I suppose.

Sunday night, (1)I got an email from my step-mom telling me my dad is not doing well. My father has been battling cancer since basically 2006. It isn't curable, it is in his bones and keeps spreading. In November he started having really bad seizures. The doctor's did MRI's and found a brain tumor. To me, that was not a huge deal. He also had a brain tumor in September of 2011, the doctor's removed it via surgery, and dad lead a mostly normal life. That was all they would need to do again. He went in for surgery the week before last and the doctor's could not remove the tumor. The MRI was wrong (that only happens 15% of the time - my family's luck) and the tumor was too far into his brain to be removed. Since the surgery he keeps going back to Duke for more and more tests. As of right now, there are not a lot of options to help him and he continues to have seizures regularly. 

That broke me down. I have never had to deal with death before. I am 24 years old and my father is dying of cancer and my mother is sick with MS - both incurable. And I'm getting really damn bitter. I'm single, live alone, have no partner to be my rock during these times, and I was getting so mad at God. I'm too young to lose them. My father will most likely never walk me down the aisle or see a grandchild (I am his only child). It's just really hard. However, instead of asking "why me", I have to look at is "why not me". This is life. This free will... things like this happen. And I know there a lot of people out there who have never had parents or lost their parents way before I will. I know many, many people have it much worse than I do, it's just hard to look at the big picture like that sometimes. I apologized for blaming God and I am just trying to be the best daughter I can. My dad loves "The Beatles" so I have a DVD on the way to his house for him. I'm sure that will make him cheer up, at least a little.

That's all I want to say about that. I hate even talking about it on my blog. I just really think that is what threw me off this week. You guys have been so supportive and loving and I really appreciate it. Moving on...

(2) I am still trucking along on my weight loss journey. Finally I am starting to feel differences in my clothing. For a while I noticed differences naked and on the scale, but clothes - not so much. I am wearing shirts and jeans that have been put a way for a long time. I am really excited about the below white shirt. I love to wear white, but when my stomach and arms became bigger, I avoided it like the plague. I go for my weigh in later today and truth be told, I will be happy to be down a pound. I wanted to completely kick ass this week, but it didn't happen. I did good, but not as good as I should have.

Tuesday morning, I was still an emotional mess. My adorable angel, Marty was being so clingy. I could not get ready without him rubbing up against my legs wanting attention. (3) I was an awful mom. I was getting irritated with him and yelled at him because he almost tripped me up. On my way to work, I was in tears because I yelled at him. Am I psycho or what? It was eating away at me because I love my cat so much and I would never yell at him. I went home on my lunch and played with him then bought him catnip. When I got home from the gym Tuesday night, I let the water run from the sink (his favorite in the world) extra long as well. I think he has since forgiven me.

Wednesday I was a (4) I was so proud of my steal at GNC. As a lot of my fitness girls know, Quest Bar now has a new flavor out: cookies and cream. I for one am obsessed with it. It is absolutely delicious. So of course I needed to add a few to my stash at work. They were buy 3 get 1 free, my pre-workout (Lipo 6x black - I hate taking powder) was on sale, I had a $10 off my total purchase coupon, and they gave me a lot of free samples! I saved so much money. I was extremely proud! I love saving money, ha!

All of that prompted for a kick ass work out at the gym later. I started core workout's twice a week a couple of weeks ago, and I am really pleased at how strong I am getting. I stopped doing core work for a long time. There is no real reason as to why I stopped, but I know I needed to get back to it. Planks are becoming easier and I go longer... it's been a great feeling.

(5)Yesterday I had my 90-day review with my HR mentor and my boss. It is hard to believe that I have been with my company for 90 days. Do you guys remember me telling you the incredible story of how I even came about this job? If not, read it here. It was really and truly fate and God's work. My boss took me out to a delicious lunch, we had the review, and things are great. This job saved me in many ways. Even if some of my employee's are mad at me because the new shipment of paper towels does not have designs on them! (I am not even joking)

I got my booty up bright and early this morning to get some cardio before work. My best friend and I hate working out first thing but we pushed through!

I have my vitamin injection and weigh in at 12:45 so wish me luck, After work, I am getting in a lift session at the gym, then wait for Jen to get into town. Don't forget to link up today! I hope you guys have a great weekend! 

A different, but great Friday 5 about the week!

Happy Friday, everyone! I hope you guys had a great week. Mine was different than usual, but it definitely was a fantastic week.
Image Map

(1) My day off! Monday I used a vacation day. It has been a long month at work getting back to everything from the holidays. We at work have been really busy and I was exhausted. Monday could not have been a better day off. It was sunny, beautiful, and around 60 degrees. I slept until 10:30, had a killer leg work out, and cleaned the apartment with the windows open, county music blasting, and the sun shinning through. Kelly came by after the gym for dinner, too!

It felt great to burn lots of calories.

Delicious post workout meal of a Quest Bar and spinach, feta, cranberry, and walnut salad.

Blasting country music makes cleaning a lot of fun. I know I am late, but I love this song.

The sun was so beautiful and I loved having the windows open. I long for Spring and Summer!

Tuesday, I awoke to the news that Charlotte was expecting snow. What a change! We go from having a beautiful, Spring like day, and then the next thing you know, snow is coming. What a bummer. But guess what?! Tuesday (2) I wore pants that have not fit in over a year and a half! I was so, so happy! Seeing the changes to your body and then feeling it with your clothes is so awesome.

When I got to work, my boss told me he was letting everyone leave at 3PM in order to have plenty of time to get home and try to avoid the snow. I'll take it! I went to the gym when I got off of work. As soon as I walked out of the doors close to 5, it started to snow. I quickly ran across the street to "Earthfare" to grab a couple bottles of wine, because duh! That is the snow survival must have. Plus, Kelly decided to stay with me. What fun is being snowed in alone?! (3) A snowed in sleepover is totally required. 

We had a lot of fun. We had spaghetti squash for dinner, watched the movie "Carrie", got a little tipsy, and talked for hours. She and I see each other everyday and still never run out of things to talk and laugh about. I love my best friend so much. Kels if you're reading this, don't get used to it. :)

Marty was not a huge fan.

I however, thought it was beautiful.

Thankfully, Kelly and I did not stay up too late, because Wednesday, I was only on a one-hour delay for work. The roads were pretty bad though. Charlotte is not built or ready for snow and ice. We rarely ever get it. I could have worked from home, but I had a lot of meetings to attend, especially because I record minutes, and doing that via teleconference is a disaster. So... I called a taxi! Ha! I drive a Mustang Convertible and in no way shape or form is that car meant to drive in weather conditions such as that. Luckily, I only live 2 and a half miles from my work so an $8 taxi ride was worth it. Except that the driver was 20 minutes late, talked on his cell phone my entire drive, and slid twice. It was a heart attack waiting to happen. I made it in one piece though. Barely. 

After work, I was dead tired. I blame it on the wine and snow. I skipped the gym and went home to catch up on "Teen Mom 2" and "Vanderpump Rules". Ha, don't judge me. Marty and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Yesterday I realized I needed to stock up on my Quest Bars. (4) Did you know there is a new flavor out?! Cookies and creme! I of course had to stock up and buy one. These bars are like crack for clean eaters so I am excited to try the new one today. Have you tried it? Let me know what you think.

For once, (5)I hit the gym in the morning. I am the worst ever when it comes to trying to work out in the morning. I have no energy, I hate my life, and I hate the world. True story. However, after work I am ready to go. But I pushed hard through the freezing cold and got my butt there to train. I go for my doctor's appointment at noon to get my B12 injection and see if I lost any weight this past week! Fingers crossed. Oh and the only reason I trained this morning is because I am meeting my friends after work for half priced wine. Ha!

Have a great weekend everyone!