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Tala Council Newsletter November 2012

Green Areas
A number of people have come forward volunteering to maintain the green area in their neighbourhood.  However, with the limited number of outside staff we have, there is a limit as to how much time we can spend on the remaining areas.  I think we are all keen to see green areas planted and maintained rather than unsightly dumping grounds, so we are still looking either for volunteers to take over their green area, or people willing to sponsor maintenance of specific green areas.  If you are interested, please contact the Council Office. 

Kindergarten School
As you may be aware, the new Kindergarten School opened at the beginning of September.  There are 25  pupils.  The premises will shortly be blessed by the Bishop.

Following the Rat Pack Show, after payment of the usual rental fee,  a donation was made of €700 towards ‘something in Tala’.  This money is being used to purchase some play equipment at the new school.

As mentioned in the last newsletter, we are still awaiting a building permit for the new site and have no idea of timescale.  In the meantime, we have now completed the small extension of the old cemetery as a temporary short-term solution.

Post Office
Those of you who use the Post Office in Tala will have noticed that this has moved by only one unit into what were the offices for the old Co-Op Bank.  This has released the room formerly used by the Post Office so that the space can be used by the Welfare Centre.   This space will be used for exercise classes.

Recently there was a meeting at SAPA [Sewerage Board of Paphos] to agree the budget for 2013.  SAPA have decided that they wish Tala to start paying fees for the sewerage system from 2013 without stipulating any start date for such a project.  I objected strongly at the budget meeting but, unfortunately, I was outvoted.  The Council are refusing to accept this decision and are working to exclude Tala from the project completely or to postpone fee payment until a start date can be allocated.   I will keep you advised of developments.

Welfare Centre
[Next door to the Post Office, just up the road from the Stamna Restaurant]
For the winter months, the centre will be open Monday to Friday 8am to 1pm. 
Membership entitles you to a free coffee, tea or soft drink and snack each day. 

Monday -  Approx 10am Craft morning.  Anyone interested in crafts is welcome to come along and share their knowledge.  A knitting circle has already started
Tuesday - 9.30 for an hour – Gentle exercise class
Friday -  9.30 for an hour – Gentle exercise class

If there is sufficient interest a games morning will be started.  Please let the centre know if you are interested in participating.

There was a Bingo night at the centre at the end of October and in the middle of November and this will now become a regular occurrence, approximately once a fortnight.  Please watch for details either on the Council website or in the noticeboards around the village.

To assist those involved in the crafts, if you have any oddments of wool, ribbon, tapestry thread, etc,  material which is surplus to requirements, or any old cushions or pillows, please drop these off at the centre.  These will be recycled and made into items which will be supplied at future bazaars for fund-raising purposes.

To enrol for membership, please call into the centre. Membership is €20 per person, or €30 for  a couple and you should deduct any deposit already paid from this membership fee.

Garden Waste Site
Thanks to a number of volunteers coming forward, the garden waste site on the road down to Kissonerga reopened from Tuesday 13 November as follows:

Tuesday, Friday and Sunday mornings only – 9am to 11am

This will be for a trial period of 3 months to see how the experiment works and to see if other people come forward to volunteer a couple of hours of their time each week to allow the site to open.  Garden waste and household furniture can be accepted and you are please requested to ensure there are no large stones in amongst any garden waste and that it is emptied out of any plastic bags used to transport it to the site.

The site is open to Tala residents and their gardeners.  Please ensure you have a utility bill in your vehicle to show to the person manning the site.

Anyone wishing to volunteer a couple of hours of their time each week to enable the site to operate on additional days or for an extended period of time should please contact John Moffat on or 26 815388.

If you are unable to deliver garden waste or household furniture to the site yourself, or you have other items for collection, please contact the council office and they will organise uplift for a small fee.

Paphos Tigers Rugby Football Club
The Club is keen to encourage players of all ages, whether men, women or children.  If you are interested please contact either:
Dimitri on 99 573668 [adults]
Sue on 99 977235 [children – for minis & colts]

Any nationality is welcome and the Club is keen to have new members.  Please also see their website:


Saturday & Sunday 24 & 25 November – St Catherine’s Bazaar   1000-2000
Bazaar at the Welfare Centre to commemorate St Catherine’s Day.

Sunday 16 December - Christmas Bazaar including Artists Open Day
There will be a Christmas Bazaar at the Elementary School in Tala, from 1100 to 1600.  There will be a number of stalls, including one selling home made cakes, one for plants and a tombola, in addition to a number [including hand-made soaps, jewellery and chocolates] to tempt you with some Christmas shopping.   In addition, there will be an art display by various Tala artists, a visit by Father Christmas, carols, and various displays by the local school and societies.    Refreshments will also be available.   Funds raised will go towards an Astroturf pitch at the school and the welfare centre.

If you would like to volunteer your services to assist on the day, help run the tombola or refreshments, bake cakes for the refreshments and/or cake stall, please contact Cathi on or 26 653132.  Similarly, if you have donations for the tombola, please either let Cathi know or drop any donation into the Council office.

A timetable of events on 16 December will be available on the website in due course.  If you do not have computer access, please watch for details in the Council Noticeboards or at the bars and restaurants around the village.

Also, please remember that this newsletter is available on .  Click on the Union Jack and then announcements.  The next issue will be available on 21 February. 

I hope you all have a lovely Christmas and a healthy and happy  2013.

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