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Atlast Family Get Together (Episode Analysis) - 12th November 2012


This is what we want to see.. this is the IPK brand Episode, which has the IPK Signature all over it..

We had all the central characters in place.. There was Arnav Singh Raizada’s smart-intelligent move in exposing the culprit, Khushi’s once again proving that she was the most selfless character Indian television had ever seen, Sheetal not feeling the slightest bit of remorse for doing what she did and an adorable, cute and sweet Aarav who would literally make you cry buckets.. There were emotions, joy, love, drama in short the whole package.

Arnav who understood that Sheetal was lying and she was up to something the very day he and Khushi had gone to ask her about Aarav being Arnav’s son, and her mentioning about a certain graduation party had got his mind working.. Sheetal told Arnav that he was really drunk and that they got close etc etc which took Arnav really by surprise as Arnav was fully in his sense on the Graduation Party he did not drink even a drop of alcohol but acted like he was totally wasted so that his friends wouldn’t force him to drink. Must say CV’s great excuse, the twist was simple, subtle but it was very ASR like.. not drinking but getting other believe that he was drunk its totally something ASR would do. That scene would actually remind one of the whole Arnav getting Khushi to think that he holds the reigns over Aakash Payal marriage and succeeding.

Sheetal is exposed.. She did this all for money, would have been a bit more effective had there been a more stronger reason, but i guess viewers had enough of it with the way the Sheetal Track was executed and wanted it to be wrapped of real fast.. I guess their prayers have been answered.

PreviewThe family get together.. Totally Worth the wait and this is most probably this could be the last time we will see the entire Raizada and Gupta family together. Mamaji and Lakshmi Ji went missing a long time ago and so did Shashi Babua but the rest of the cast were somehow retained for almost the entire show which is why they are pretty much the entire lot. With Aakash (Akshay Dogra) and Payal (Deepali Pansre) leaving for the States, this is probably the last time seeing the IPK Family together.

Many a times one feels that Khushi’s selflessness makes her look stupid at times, and i guess that it was the CV’s way of telling that thinking with heart is not stupidity but infact a sign of a genuine person. And we agree.. never will there be another character that is willing to sacrifice her happiness, her marriage, her love for the sake of a Kid who according to her was related to Arnav, who needed him more than Khushi did.

And lastly Vishesh Bhansal.. Kudos Big Guy!!! He was simply fantastic today, you could feel his pain, his hurt. From the very start of this track it was made clear to the viewers that Aarav is a smart kid, someone who understands things better and faster. It did not take much time for him to understand what was going on in front of his eyes. The woman he thought was his mother turned out to be a fraud, he was asked to behave in a certain way, he was trained all for a certain reason. He was an orphan all those promises were fake he was nobody. The way he went upto each and everybody to say good-bye was a tear-jerkier for sure. He did not want to go, but he had no other choice.


The scene where he runs to hug Khushi of all the people should be our scene of the day because from where he saw, from what he understood Khushi was the only person who genuinely cared for him. He wanted that assurance and he knew he would get it from her only. Yes Arnav does agree to adopt him, and take care of him as promised but here too Khushi had to voice it out.. Well that’s Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada I guess at the end of the day she always manages to walk away with all the accolades hain na?

The Sheetal track has ended, the Raizada’s have decided to adopt Aarav.. What Next?

Guess like always it’s a Wait and Watch Situation for IPK.

Author: Vijitha Rajan

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