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Cookbook: Our Favorite Recipes

 This is one of my favorite cookbooks. Even though I haven't made a lot of recipes from it yet. Why is it one of my favorites? It was put together by the ladies of St. John's Ev. Lutheran Church in West Bend, WI in 1949. I didn't know one could self-publish a cookbook that early! You can see the personality of each lady jump off the page as each recipe is in her own handwriting! I have never seen anything like it.
 I love just looking through it at all the different handwritings. The little sketches accompanying the recipes are wonderful too.
 Baked Ham by Elsi Ramsthal and Ham Loaf by Mrs. H.C. Bennallack. Such distinctive writing.
 Pecan Pie by Mrs. A. D. Alberecht. The little squirrel makes me laugh!
Rose Cake by Miss Hattie Miller. This recipe looks intriguing, chocolate, rasisins and sour cream....
Now all I need to do is find a little time to try some of them out!!

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