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The 1947 General Electric "Stratoliner"

Did you notice the stove in the background of my pictures last week?
  A 1947 GE Stratoliner!! Isn't it a beauty!
"It's your Range dreams all wrapped up in one - the newest "Speed Cooking" beauty by General Electric!" Quote from ad
I bought it at an estate sale a couple of years ago, for $6.50. That is right $6.50! Who could pass up a bargain like that?!?

 "Streamlined? Just look at it! Sparkling - clean too - and so simple to keep that way!"

"Only General Electric has this big, easy-to-clean Tripl-Oven!" Really? This is big?!?

 "Most versatile range of any type ever built... The new GE Stratoliner boils, broils, bakes, simmers, fries, cans, pressure-cooks, roasts, steams, braises."

Mom found the manul in a local antique store, which was very exciting! I thought it would be fun to have some old ads for it too. The stove originaly cost $334.75. And had all the modern features; timer, broiler, even a built in pressurer cooker! 

I don't think the previous owner did much cooking, the stove is in great shape! I was vetoed by the family from using it until it is re-wired, which has not been done yet. So for now it makes a great filing cabinet! The other problem is it weights half a ton. Seriously, they don't build things like they use to. I don't know what we are going to do when is needs to be moved.


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