Bayram Cigerli Blog

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6:12 Shooting Indoors

This week for 12 Weeks to Better Photos, we had to focus on shooting indoors, while trying to utilize as much natural light as possible. The problem I had with this one is that it calls for a "subject" and since I don't really have any guinea pigs, I had to use myself. I really don't like putting photos of myself up, but here's to learning how to shoot better photos indoors while also learning how to take self portraits. I don't have a tripod or a remote; I used the remote control for the TV and the window ledge (or chair seat, or bed).

This one is a good one to try, no matter what kind of camera you have. You can join in with Kate HERE. The pdf for this week's assignment is HERE.

The idea this week was to learn how to take better photos inside without using your flash. In this case, you may need to adjust your Aperture, Shutter Speed, ISO or Exposure in order to make sure that there is enough light for your subject. Another trick is to get them to stand near a window (make sure the window is not behind them or they will be dark!) while you stand at or near the window to get the maximum amount of light possible. If you have a point and shoot camera, you can still adjust the ISO and exposure pretty easily, and the shutter speed and aperture can be adjusted using the "portrait" mode (and some P&S cameras have more in depth adjustments).

This week's assignment was this: Choose one or all of the following options for taking your photos:

1. Position your subject in direct light and then reposition your subject in indirect, or filtered, light.
2. Capture catchlights - have your subject face the window while you're sitting or standing with your back to the window. **(catchlights are the little light "windows" in the person's eyes)**
3. Position your subject so that he/she/it is parallel to the window, while you are perpendicular to the window.
4. For those with SLRs or digiSLRs: If you can adjust the exposure meter on your camera, try metering on the background light vs. metering on your subject and setting the exposure for your subject. Also note that you could use a wall in the room or the floor to set your exposure meter.

I did not really have any opportunities for direct light, as my window is north facing. So, I tried experimenting with numbers 2 and 3 mostly. Seriously, I am a bit embarrassed when posting photos of myself (especially so close up!) It's like I am saying, "look at me!" Don't look at me; just look from an artistic standpoint. Or an educational one. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!

In the first photo, this is an example of having the subject (um, me) stand parallel to the light source, in this case the window, while the photographer (my arm) stands perpendicular to the window. Don't mind the messy hair or the dazed look. Look at the LIGHT!

In this second example, the photographer (the windowsill) has captured the catchlights in the eyes of the subject. This really livens up the subject's face and draws attention to the eyes, where it should be.

Okay, whew. That's enough self portraits for now! Join in next week, when we work on Shooting Photos Outdoors. Hopefully Papa P can be the subject for that one!

Also, Kate also clued me in on this fun 30 day photo challenge from Click it Up a Notch. I may attempt to do some of these in tangent with the 12 Weeks to Better Photos course, just for fun. It's always good to get more practice and to get ideas for what to shoot next! So I guess this week, I am satisfying day 1 or 30 (self portrait) for sure, as well as Day 11 (blue), Day 14 (eyes) and Day 29 (black and white) !!! Sweet.

Do you have problems taking photos indoors? Are you self conscious of self portraits? Do you like photos of yourself?


Don't forget...speaking of photos, you can win a cool scrapbooking and photo manipulation software where you can put all these photo tips to good use! Ends October 16th! Go HERE to enter!

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