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Pour Some Sugar on Me

I know you are singing this song now. Gotta love that hair.

I am not one of those people that eats or craves a lot of sugar. I prefer a nice salty snack over a sweet one most of the time. However, there are a few things I either eat that have added sugar, or that I add sugar to. When I say sugar, I mean honey, maple syrup, sugar, or any other form of sweetener.

Laura over at Mommy Run Fast is having a sugar detox challenge this week, which not only includes added sugars but processed foods as well. This does not include fruits or naturally sweet foods, thank goodness, because in that case I am not interested. We all know how much fruit I eat on a daily basis.

At first I thought that it wouldn't be very hard, as like I said, I am not a sugar person anyway and I usually eat pretty naturally already. But there are a few things that I have pinpointed that may be a little harder to give up than I think.

1. Coffee creamer: I love the vanilla flavored creamer. It's full of things I cannot pronounce. At work we have Coffeemate plain creamer, which is also full of weird things. I will be using either cream or nothing in my coffee this week.

2. Almond Milk: I am not a huge milk fan, but almond milk has "natural flavors" as one of the ingredients (among other things). Not so natural. However, even skim milk has some weird things floating around in it. So I am considering using regular milk or yogurt in my oatmeal this week to see how it goes.

3. Splenda: I confess; I use Splenda. Don't hate me. I use it both in my oatmeal and my coffee at work (where I don't have flavored creamer). I will sometimes use brown sugar or honey but either way, this week they are out. I always add fruit, but this week I may have to add a bit extra.

4. Sweet nuts: Sometimes when I DO have a little sugar craving, I go for some maple almonds, or cinnamon (and sugar) almonds, or my favorite, coconut (and sugar!) almonds. I will just stick to plain almonds for now (which is not a problem).

5. Running fuel: Gu and gels and chews are basically all just processed sugar. So for next weekend's trail race, I will be using dried fruit or baby food as my fuel. I have done this before and it has worked out great, but the dried fruit is a bit sticky.

6. Nutrition bars: I don't eat these very often but do like to use them in a pinch from time to time. However, most of them are loaded with added sugar. I did find out that Larabars do NOT have any added sugars (source: apple pie flavor).

I am not a huge fan of cutting things out entirely; I am much more a fan of everything in moderation. However, this is more of an experiment to see what things I may need to eat less of or maybe substitute with something just as good or better. So...what's on the menu? Lentils, navy beans, beets, acorn squash, quinoa, veggies, fruits, nuts and chicken: all things that I cooked or roasted in the oven yesterday. I will check back next week to let you know how it goes!

Are you doing the sugar detox? What would be the hardest thing for you to cut out sugar-wise? What about processed food-wise?

Bilinmez bir zamanda görüşmek dileğiyle.


Merak edenlere, arayıp soranlara, mesajları ile yüzümü gülümsetenlere, uzaklardan derdime ortak olanlara ve en önemlisi dualarını esirgemeyen tüm dostlara;

Annemin hasta olduğunu, zor ve üzücü bir tedavi sürecinden geçtiğimizi biliyorsunuz. Kasım ayında (şu) yazımda bahsettiğim zorlu bir hastane sürecinden geçmiştik. Mart ayında beyin tümörü maalesef tekrar nüksetti. Bu aşamada doktorlarımız ve biz çok zor bir karar vermek zorunda kaldık. Annemin hastalığı maalesef artık tedavi edilemeyecek kadar ilerledi. Doktorlarımız önce ameliyat edilemez dediler. Bizim isteğimizle hayati organları etkileyen tümörün bir kısmını almaya karar verdiler. 19 nisanda ameliyat yapıldı, annem 3 gün yoğun bakımda kaldı. Sonrası mı? Sonrası derseniz eğer annem şimdi ameliyat öncesine göre biraz daha iyi. Evde nekahat sürecindeyiz şimdi. 

Maalesef bu hastalığın bir tedavisi yok. Var aslında ama annemin durumunda artık son aşamadayız. Bu yüzden bir kez daha ameliyat olma şansımız yok. Bu sondu. Bundan sonra her şey güzel Allah'ıma kaldı. Gözümün nuruyla ne kadar zamanımız var kimse bilemez. Tek bildiğimiz her günün bizim için paha biçilemez olduğu. Her gün gözünün içine bakıyoruz, bizimle olduğu her gün için rabbime şükrediyoruz. Bize kazandırdıkları her gün için İstanbul Eğitim Araştırma Hastanesi Beyin Cerrahisi servisinde görevli tüm doktorlara sonsuz minnet duyuyoruz. Ameliyatımızın sorunsuz klinikte kabulünü sağlayan Opr.Dr.Feridun Kubilay, acilde olduğumuz dönemden taburcu olduğumuz ana kadar yakın ilgi alakasını eksik etmeyen sayın Dr. Nuriye Güzin Özdemir'e buradan bir kez daha teşekkür ediyorum. 

Ve özellikle teşekkür etmem gereken biri daha var. Annemin hastalığının ilk teşhis edildiği 2011/Mart ayından bu zamana kadar hastanede bulunduğumuz dönemde her zaman ilgili ve dikkatli davranışlarıyla zor zamanlarımızı kolaylaştıran sayın Dr.Görkem Bitirak'a sonsuz teşekkürler. Bu yazıyı okur mu bilemem ama sayesinde hastanede geçirdiğim zor zamanlarda kendisinden çok destek gördüm. Özellikle birşey yaptığından değil, görevini yapıyordu ama bazen insanın tek ihtiyacı gülen bir güz, güvenilir birkaç kelime söyleyen biri oluyor. Çoğu zaman sadece orada olduğunu bilmek bile yeterli oluyordu. Yani demek istediğim eğer birgün burayı okursa kendisine ne kadar minnettar olduğumu bilmesini isterim. Bir insanın hayatta gelebileceği en güzel yerlerden birisinde bizim için; dualarımızda...

Blogumu bir daha ne zaman güncellerim bilmiyorum. Belki de bir daha yazmam. Bilemiyorum.  
Size tek diyeceğim sevdiklerinizin değerini bilin. Hele ki anneniz. Bambaşkadır anne. Ciğeri ayrı yakar. Kavurur. Kül eder. Hayatta hiç birşeyin garantisi yok. Keşkeler olmasın hayatınızda. Elinizden geleni yapın sevdiklerinizle mutlu olmak için. 

Bilinmez bir zamanda görüşmek dileğiyle.


Ab Roller Creates Great Abs and a Strong Core!

Keeping your Abdominal Muscles Strong and Looking Good

The Ab Roller has been around for quite some time and is still a very effective device for creating definition and a strong core. The trick is right form and diligence. Conquer these and you will get fantastic results.

JR keeps giving the best Work Out advice.Ab Roller Exercise

      • Hold the ab roller with both hands and kneel
         on the floor with a mat under your knees.

     • Starting Position.  Place the ab roller on the
        floor in front of you so that you are on your
        hands and knees.

     • Keeping core tight, slowly roll the ab roller straight forward, stretching body into
        a straight positions. TIP: Go down as far as you can without touching the floor
        with your body. Breathe in during this portion of the movement.

     • After a pause at the stretched position, start pulling yourself back to the starting
        position as you breath out. TIP: Go slowly and keep your abs tight at all times.

This is a great exercise to do in front of the TV or whenever you have down time. It is quick, easy and gets great results.

Get fit and keep on moving!

We are here to help if you need us. Come visit us at the gym

Recovery Mode

If you have ever had a big event, you know how it feels when it's over. You feel a little lost, a tad adrift, a bit confused. You don't know what to do with yourself. Due to the weeks I spent training for the marathon, this is kind of where I am right now. Couple that with the events that happened in Boston after the marathon and it is definitely a strange mental state overall.

I read in Runners World, and I mentioned it after my first marathon, that you are supposed to "rest" for the same amount of days as miles that you ran for your race. For me, this would be 26 days, or approximately one month. They say that for the first couple weeks of your break, drop mileage to zero and do light cross training instead. For the next three to six weeks, add running back in slowly: For two weeks, run 25% of pre-break mileage; for two weeks run 50%; the last two weeks, run 75%.


This really is counterproductive to having a positive mental state. Most people who are runners RUN when they are feeling sad/angry/tired/scared/stressed. I am no different. My daily run makes me feel strong, makes me feel happier, and takes away the cares of the day.

So I did not take the advice of the good people of RW. I would have gone crazy. I already tapered, which was horrible, but they can't take away my after marathon run therapy! 

First of all, I had already signed up for the Ohlone 50k, which is May 19th. There are roughly 5 weeks (4 weekends) between the two races. I guess I was feeling kind of post race blues before the marathon even happened, because I also signed up for the Squamish 50k and the Marine Corp Marathon. It's like retail therapy, but better!

So, what's the recovery plan? Well, it's hard to figure out how to work it when I have a 50k in three weeks. So I decided to do a four weekend training plan, consisting of one easy weekend, one little bit harder weekend, one high mileage weekend and one easy weekend, and then race weekend.

Week 1: April 15 - April 21: Boston Marathon / weekend trail runs (easy)
Week 2: April 22 - April 28: easy week / weekend trail runs (med)
Week 3: April 29 - May 05: med week / weekend trail runs (long)
Week 4: May 06 - May 12: easy week / weekend trail runs (easy)
Week 5: May 13 - May 19: easy week / Race weekend

After weekend one, I was pretty tired. My legs were pretty sore, plus I followed short Saturday and Sunday runs with a two hour hike up a steep hill and the Monday BostonStrongSF run, so I took Tuesday and Wednesday of the next week completely off. (TOTAL = 41 miles (including the marathon) / 5 hours, 53 mins)

After weekend two, I feel good. My legs are definitely not back to normal, but I did do one shorter test run where I was able to keep the pace under an 8 minute mile, so they are not totally dead. (TOTAL = 45 miles / 7 hours, 40 mins)

Next weekend is the big mileage weekend. I hope my legs are up for the challenge. I know my mind is.

finish line quote

How do you deal with the comedown from a big event?  Do you have a long recovery time after a big race? What is the closest time period you have had two big races together?

Want more? 
**Check out Laura's take on the Post Race Blues.
**Head over to Fitness Friday at Jill's for some more fitness advice and info!


Yuri Boyka 
Rus dövüşçü olduğunu you tube da gezinirken şans eseri öğrendiğim bu adam gerçekten görülmeye değer bir şekilde dövüşüyor,şu ana kadar izlemiş olduğum dövüş sahnelerinin belkide en iyilerini içeren bu videoyu sizlerlede paylaşmak istedim.İzleyin bakalım bana hak vericekmisiniz.