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How To: Eat A Burrito

Mr. Lovely is from Back East. When he first came to California, he was a burrito virgin. Okay, sure, he may have had one of those things that are kind of wet and slimy and covered with red sauce and come with a side of rice and beans. Those are good, but in California, that is not the kind of burrito we are referring to when we talk about a burrito. There is a certain kind of burrito; it is bigger than your head.

And there is a certain way to eat this burrito. Don't be like Mr. Lovely and pull all the (2 layers!) of foil off, exposing the naked tortilla! Don't get pollo asada all over your hands!! Keep the re-fried beans from going all over your lap! Don't embarrass yourself!

I am here to keep that from happening to you. Hopefully we caught it in time.

How to eat a San Francisco Burrito like a local: 

(1) Start with the key players laid out. The burrito. The salt. The chips. The salsa. Napkins.

(2) Now, this is important. There are two layers of foil. Remove the outer layer only. Now, tear only the top portion of the inner foil layer off, leaving about half of the foil at the bottom to hold onto as you eat.

(3) As you eat the burrito, tear the foil down little by little, always leaving yourself a hand hold. Not only does this keep your hand from touching the burrito, but it keeps the juices from landing on your lap.

(4) More of the same. I also like to add salt and salsa little by little to each bite and scoop up that and any excess innards with chips as I move down the burrito.

(6) Even when you get to almost the very bottom, you still have clean hands!

(7) At the very bottom, once you have only a few bites left, remove the remaining foil. Quickly take the few bites, so as to not make a mess. OR eat all three bites as one bite, covering your mouth with aforementioned napkins. Or not. Nobody will judge.

And there you have it. Now you are ready for an experience of a lifetime! Now the only question is, what kind of burrito will you try first?

How do you eat YOUR burrito? Do you have a food that is specific to your area? What food eating rituals do you follow?

Building A Gym At Home

Let's assume that you are at the point of decision: you are going to build your own exercise domain, and as previously blogged, you have already decided to include your children in this enterprise and take advantage of this opportunity to be with your kids while they grow up. And, of course, you can always enter your home gym by yourself and work out to your heart's content because you have the keys to both doors!

Now let's place the home gym equipment in your home gym! I see that Matt Weik, a bodybuilding expert for has ranked five separate Home Gyms from respected companies for price, customer service, quality of product, and warranties, convenience, need for maintenance and size of equipment. Out of these, I would choose for myself a machine that has a lifetime warranty, and a weight stack loader (a little cheaper). The price of this would be moderate and would fit into the garage conversion plans and still accommodate the children's work-out area.

Place the equipment in your Home Gym Room so there is plenty of room around the "kids corner" for the other play and resting that children do. ( Remember that you have already laid a piece of second-hand carpet, bound or unbound, on your garage floor). I like the idea of throwing down two or three large pillows on the floor for wiggle time for the kids. Because the above equipment has all the necessities already on it, you do not have to buy each piece separately. Since you now have a basis for strength training you can consider a stationary bike for aerobic training.

For aerobic/cardio training be aware that your heart gets used to the same exercises day after day and it becomes more difficult to burn calories and you must work harder and longer to achieve the same results. So, for exercising your heart, you should have at least two different ways of exercising. These can be done without machines as high impact, high intensity routines with no rest for a period of time. One of these choices could be a good jump rope. These exercises, used alternately, will guarantee that you are increasing your natural abilities and will be ready for a challenge to your body and will comprise the balance of your Home Gym.

If you wish to further embellish this hallowed place, find a couple of posters that the kids will like, maybe let them pick out what they want. For the sake of your own boredom, or desire to have something to think about while you exercise, why not write out a copy in large black letters of the exercises you plan to carry out and hang them where you can see them and adhere to them each day. Also, there are posters galore that will motivate you to "stay focused," books to read while on the stationery bicycle, maybe some nutritional reminders for the whole family. Put up a "before" picture if you are in it for weight loss and follow-up at goal time with an "after" picture. This is part of the fun of exercising, because you know you and your family will be happier and healthier and look 100% better!

Margaret Heaps is a native born Californian who sees life as not long enough to fit everything in. She hopes to make a success of her new website.

We can serve you by introducing you to a variety of physical fitness equipment at a reasonable price. See our exercise bicycles, punching bags for kids and adults, weight lifting iron, jumping ropes, Pilates, home gyms and much more and shop now.

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Google'dan Howard Carter'a özel logo

Google, ünlü arkeolog Howard Carter'ın 138. doğum günü için özel bir logo yayınladı!
Arama motoru Google, İngiliz arkeolog ve Mısır bilimci Howard Carter'ın 138. doğum günü için ana sayfasında özel bir logo yani doodle yayınladı.


Howard Carter 9 Mayıs 1874 yılında İngiltere'nin başkenti Londra'da, Kensington semtinde dünyaya geldi ve 2 Mart 1939 yılında yaşamını yitirdi. Mısır'ın Luksor kentindeki ünlü Krallar Vadisi'nde firavun Tutankamon'un mezarını keşfetmesi ile ün kazanmıştır. Buna rağmen Mısır'dan çok uzaklarda ölmüş ve cenazesine bir tek Lady Evelyn katılmıştır.

P90X2 PAP Lower Review

- Post Activation Potentiation to the Maximum!

Today I finished P.A.P. Lower which stands for Post Activation Potentiation. Huh??

In P90X2 PAP Lower, you get a chance to maximize your results through athletic training that you don't normally get with a fitness program. With P90X2, there are two separate PAP workouts including PAP Lower and PAP Upper. If you are looking to find out what PAP (Post Activation Potentiation) means, keep reading and you'll find out (it is INCREDIBLE!).

Today in P90X2 PAP Lower, I literally FLOODED my house with sweat!! It's time to kick off the training wheels and launch into Professional Pro-Athlete Performance, my friends!!

How PAP works in P90X2 is by completing two distinguished Complexes. A complex consists of four different moves that are repeating for 4 rounds! Needless to say, at the end of this thing you will basically be saying: "WHEW THAT WAS CRAZY!!!"

The moves include:

Strength/Balance Move
Explosive power move
Fast Twitch move
Isometric move

- Does P90X2 PAP Actually Work?

Dr. Marcus Elliott mentions that there are muscles that are asleep when we do certain moves. Therefore, by introducing a strength move before an explosive move, you then ACTIVATE the muscles which allows you to dig deeper and provide an incredible move.

I found this to be 100% true once I encountered the Split Squat Jump! This is basically Mary Katherine Lunges on crack, as Tony calls it. I never have been very good at those lunges, but once I activated, I was able to have explosive results, dig deep, and feel like a champ with the Split Squat Jump move!!!

I must warn everyone that I highly suggest that you EAT ENOUGH CALORIES!!! Don't let yourself get caught with the poor decisions that I have made when I originally started P90X and P90X2. I thought that if I didn't eat a whole lot, I would continue to lose weight BUT THIS IS NOT THE CASE!! Seriously, think about it...the more fit you get, the better you become at burning calories, simply because your metabolism increases. If you are burning more calories and not fueling your body with the right nutrition, you then fall victim to a slowed metabolism. What does that mean? Simply put, you will have a difficult time getting those ripped abs that you want, because your metabolism is slooowww.

Keep doing amazing things out there, and I hope you enjoyed my review on PAP Lower with P90X2.

Bob Sharpe
Health and Fitness Guru

Do I Need to Go to the Gym to Get a Good Workout?

ByChristy Pellicer

Many people love the ideal of owning all of the fancy equipment used in gyms, but for most people, this is not an option. Since exercise is so important, you will need to find effective ways to stay fit that do not require equipment at all. Some people believe that they must go to the gym to get a good workout, but this is definitely not the case. There are plenty of exercise routines that can be performed at home for significant results. Fitness Guidelines According to the U.S. Department of Human Services, regular physical exercise as part of a weekly regimen is essential for a healthy lifestyle. While daily activities, such as walking, standing, lifting, and climbing a few flights of stairs can be beneficial, these activities do not constitute for a workout. Adults should engage in health-enhancing activities that go beyond the average daily activities. Use the follow recommendations set forth by the HHS for adults:
Adults should perform a minimum of 2 hours and 30 minutes of moderately-intense aerobic workouts, such as walking, or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise.For better results, adults should perform high-intense aerobic workouts at least 20 minutes a day.Adults should engage in strength-training workouts at least twice per week on top of the aerobic exercise to strengthen all major muscle groups.

Fitness begins at home. You don't need a gym membership to get into the best shape of your life. Exercises should be mixed up throughout the week to keep your routine challenging and yourself motivated. Try your body at different intensities so it doesn't get used to the same routines. There are many activities that you can do at home that do not require the use of a gym or expensive gym equipment.
Remember to get up and move every day. Walking is one of the easiest forms of aerobic exercise that you can perform anywhere you go. It's low impact and easy on the joints.Participate in a workout regimen that works for you. Sports and martial arts are some of the top exercise workouts that combine strength training and cardio to improve overall health and fitness.Strength training can be accomplished at home with some basic fitness moves, including squats which work the quads, gluts, and hamstrings or plank exercises that tone the abs.

If you believe that you need to join a gym or health club to get fit or lose weight - you're wrong. A good workout can be done at home on a regular basis, but does require consistency on your part. Remember that if you want noticeable results, you have to work for them.

We provide home workouts, exercise videos, and fitness plans

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Günümüzde artık tükürükten DNA testi sayesinde ileride oluşabilecek ve genetik olarak yatkınlığınızın olduğu hastalıkların teşhisi konusunda büyük adımlar atılmış durumda.Türkiyede İstanbulda bir kaç merkezdede kolaylıkla yapılmaya başlanan tükürükten elde edilen DNA testi ile artık gelecek yıllarda geçirmeniz muhtemel hastalıkları öğrenebiliyor ve tabiki bu hastalıklara yakalanmamak için gerekli tedbirleri alabiliyorsunuz.

A Walk in the Park

It is such a beautiful day! Why not take a walk in the park?
 (These pictures were taken last month.)

The trees are so bright and white! Looks like they have snow on them. Not sure what kind they are, possibly Ornemental Pear?

 The pup, looking cute. She loves her walks in the park and doesn't let us forget when it is time!!

The Eastern Redbud in bloom. Love the color of these little buds!

Google+’ta Canlı Video Sohbetine Hazır Olun

Google, geçtiğimiz yıl Eylül ayında görücüye çıkardığı canlı video sohbeti özelliği, bu zamana kadar sınırlı bir grup tarafından kullanılabiliyordu. Hangouts on Air adlı bu servise yeni özellikler ekleyen Google, canlı video sohbetini bütün Google+ kullanıcılarına açıyor.

Google resmi blogu aracılığıyla Goolge Mühendislik Bölüm Direktörü Chee Chew tarafından duyurulan Hangouts on Air özelliği ile sanatçı, popüler kişi ya da bir topluluğun temsilcisi istediği kişiyle canlı video sohbeti gerçekleştirebilecek.

Hangouts on Air’i Google+ hesabınızdan“Canlı Videoyla Sohbet’e izin ver” seçeneğini tıklayarak başlatabiliyorsunuz. Ayrıca Hangouts on Air ileYouTube kanalınızdan veya internet siteniz üzerinden de gerçekleştirdiğiniz canlı video sohbetini paylaşabiliyorsunuz. Kullanıcılar aynı zamanda yayın yaparken seyirci sayısını da görebiliyorlar.

Yaptığınız canlı yayınların ardından videonuzu Google+ akışınızda ve Youtube kanalınızda kaydedilmiş olarak bulabilmeniz, Google’ın bu yeni hizmetinin özellikleri arasında yer alıyor. Bu özellik aynı zamanda videonuzun sosyal medyada da değerlendirilmesini ve yorum almasını sağlıyor. Üstelik isterseniz yaptığınız canlı yayını daha sonra tekrar paylaşabiliyorsunuz.

Altyapısının zaman alacağı belirtilen hizmetin isteklere göre belirli bir sırayla kullanıcılara sunulacağını belirtmemiz gerekiyor. Google bu sürede hizmeti merak edenler için önümüzdeki günlerde gerçekleştirilecek yayınları tavsiye ediyor. Ancak görünen o ki Google+’a trafik kazandırma serisi olarak adlandırılabilecek bu yeni servis de Google’ın Facebook ile rekabetinde yüzünü güldürmeyecek.

Google Play Store, 15 Milyarı Geçti!

Google Play Store, 15 milyar indirme barajını geçerek, Apple Appstore'a yaklaşmaya devam ediyor. Google Play Store'un Google'a kazandırdıklarına bir bakalım.

The Independet gazetesinin Google Play Store'un 15 milyar uygulama indirme barajına yaklaştığı haberinin ardından, teknoloji sitesi Tech Crunch'ın Google yetkililerini teyit için araması ile beraber işin aslının böyle olmadığı ortaya çıktı. Google, 15 milyar indirme barajının haftalar önce aşıldığını belirtti. Google'ın Google Play Store'un rakamları ile ilgili henüz resmi bir açıklaması yok. En son açıklama Android Market adı ile 2011'in dördüncü çeyreğinde yapılmıştı. Bu raporda 11 milyar indirilmeye ulaşıldığı açıklanmıştı. Açıklamanın üzerinden geçen zamana göre 4 milyarı geçik bir artış göze çarpıyor.

Android'in en büyük rakibi iOS'un market uygulaması olan App Store ise25 milyar indirme değerini aştı. Mart ayında 25 milyarı geçen App Store, geçtiğimiz yılın Temmuz ayında 15 milyar barajını aşmıştı.

İndirme oranları dışında Apple ve Google arasında geliştiricilere ödenen meblağlarda da farklılıklar söz konusu. Apple, Ocak 2012'ye kadar geliştiricilere 4 milyar dolar öderken, Google 320 milyon dolar ödedi. Tabi Google'ın AdMob reklamları ile yaptığı ödemeler bu rakama dahil değil.

Bakalım ortalama 500.000'i geçik uygulama sahip Play Store ile App Store arasındaki fark ne zaman kapanacak?