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Workout? etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Workout? etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

What Counts As A Cardio Workout?

ByS Brooks

You've probably heard it everywhere: you have to get some cardio into your daily routine in order to burn fat and stay healthy. But what exactly counts as a cardio workout?

Cardio Workout Definition

In layman's terms, a cardio workout is pretty much any aerobic activity that gets you breathing faster and gets your heart pumping faster. Cardio workouts are divided into three different types, and these are low intensity, moderate intensity and high intensity workouts.

Low intensity workouts are those that slightly raise your heart rate, but still allow you to breathe pretty easily and carry a conversation without much effort. These include activities like walking, yoga, swimming, and so on.

Moderate intensity workouts, on the other hand, are those that moderately raise your heart rate and increase your breathing rate significantly enough to cause you to halt once or twice every time you speak a sentence. Examples of moderate intensity workouts are brisk walking, jogging, light aerobics, and some form of calisthenics.

Lastly, high intensity workouts are those that send your heart racing to about 70 or 80 percent of your maximum heart rate, and do not allow you to carry a conversation easily or at all. These include running, circuit training, high intensity interval training, jumping rope, and more.

What Counts As A Cardio Workout

Cardio workouts of any intensity count as a workout; so the real question here is what counts as a good workout. This varies according to the exerciser, but here are some general guidelines:

Do I Need to Go to the Gym to Get a Good Workout?

ByChristy Pellicer

Many people love the ideal of owning all of the fancy equipment used in gyms, but for most people, this is not an option. Since exercise is so important, you will need to find effective ways to stay fit that do not require equipment at all. Some people believe that they must go to the gym to get a good workout, but this is definitely not the case. There are plenty of exercise routines that can be performed at home for significant results. Fitness Guidelines According to the U.S. Department of Human Services, regular physical exercise as part of a weekly regimen is essential for a healthy lifestyle. While daily activities, such as walking, standing, lifting, and climbing a few flights of stairs can be beneficial, these activities do not constitute for a workout. Adults should engage in health-enhancing activities that go beyond the average daily activities. Use the follow recommendations set forth by the HHS for adults:
Adults should perform a minimum of 2 hours and 30 minutes of moderately-intense aerobic workouts, such as walking, or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise.For better results, adults should perform high-intense aerobic workouts at least 20 minutes a day.Adults should engage in strength-training workouts at least twice per week on top of the aerobic exercise to strengthen all major muscle groups.

Fitness begins at home. You don't need a gym membership to get into the best shape of your life. Exercises should be mixed up throughout the week to keep your routine challenging and yourself motivated. Try your body at different intensities so it doesn't get used to the same routines. There are many activities that you can do at home that do not require the use of a gym or expensive gym equipment.
Remember to get up and move every day. Walking is one of the easiest forms of aerobic exercise that you can perform anywhere you go. It's low impact and easy on the joints.Participate in a workout regimen that works for you. Sports and martial arts are some of the top exercise workouts that combine strength training and cardio to improve overall health and fitness.Strength training can be accomplished at home with some basic fitness moves, including squats which work the quads, gluts, and hamstrings or plank exercises that tone the abs.

If you believe that you need to join a gym or health club to get fit or lose weight - you're wrong. A good workout can be done at home on a regular basis, but does require consistency on your part. Remember that if you want noticeable results, you have to work for them.

We provide home workouts, exercise videos, and fitness plans

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