Today I am looking forward to having a burrito at one of my favorite places in the Mission. When I used to live in San Francisco, I would walk over to this Taqueria from my house. It's kind of a strange venue; it's tiny and its right next to a fish market and a Mexican shopping center. But the burritos are just as good as I remember! From work, it's only about an 8 minute BART ride to get there, so...
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Mexcian Food etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Mexcian Food etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Looking Forward
By Rohat Fatih at 06:29
2014, Beer Week, burritos, lists, Looking Forward, Mexcian Food, Running, Travel
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How To: Eat A Burrito
By bayramcigerli at 03:00
2012, Bay Area, California, food, How To, Mexcian Food, Mr Lovely, San Francisco
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Mr. Lovely is from Back East. When he first came to California, he was a burrito virgin. Okay, sure, he may have had one of those things that are kind of wet and slimy and covered with red sauce and come with a side of rice and beans. Those are good, but in California, that is not the kind of burrito...