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Nepal etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Nepal etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

What Are the Activities to Do During Travel in Nepal?

Here are some general ideas on what to do in Nepal, if you are clueless (I doubt you will be if you are in Nepal)    * Trekking hills    * Mountaineering    * Sightseeing    * Adventure travel    * Cultural   ...

Pizza in Kathmandu

So we were on the mountain, at 17,000 feet and we were eating rice and vegetables every day. Don’t get me wrong, I like rice and vegetables, but there is just something about the times when you don’t have a choice that you REALLY want something else. So, we were craving pizza. A good one with a thin crust and just enough cheese but not so much that the pizza is greasy. As we were sitting around reminiscing...

10 Reasons Why Nepal is Better Than India

 A guest blog by Mr. Lovely.I know that millions of people a year visit India and have an incredible time. I have read and heard about many great travels thru the sub-continent that describe the wonder of this exotic locale. India is a place of incredible culture and history and quite unique in...

Nepal - A Wonderful Trekking Spot

Nepal is one of the perfect trekking spots in the world. It is best destination for mountain lovers who are fond of mountain climbing and trekking. Nepal is a treasured with rich flora and fauna and offers so many different environment to explore. There are many trekking trails in Nepal to meet the...

Trekking The Himalays: The Day We Walked Along a Valley to the Day We Recovered

Day 5: The Day We Walked Along a Valley. (Phortse Thanga to Luza) Today we woke up early, had our breakfast of tea and eggs and set off. The weird thing about this place is that everything that is up in any of these tea houses has to be taken up by someone. Porters are everywhere; they carry hiker’s...

Hiking the Himalayas: The Very Easy Day to The First Very Painful Day

Our plan in the beginning was to do a 14 to 21 day trek in the Himalayas. The highest point would be about 18000 feet. We did not last as many days at we planned. This though, is another story. Today I will tell you what we DID do. Day 1: The Very Easy Day. We flew from Kathmandu to a small town called...

Belly: The Update

Well, in two days, we should be out of India and....NO DELHI BELLY!!! Yay! I am probably jinxing myself.I actually wrote the above three days ago. Right after I wrote this, we went to lunch. About 6 hours later, I was having a very close relationship with the toilet.I miss my mom. When I used to get sick as a child, she would settle me on the couch with an orange juice, a bowl of chicken noodle soup,...