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Peru etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Peru etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Volunteering in the Sacred Valley

Volunteering in Peru is a unique experience and an interchange between the volunteer and members of Peruvian society which is greatly advantageous to both. There are many direct and indirect advantages of volunteering in Peru, or anywhere else in Latin America for that matter. Peruvian people are generally...

Things to Do in Chiclayo Peru

There are a variety of things to do in Chiclayo Peru. Chiclayo, also known as "The City of Friendship," was founded in the 1560s by Spanish priests. Chiclayo was inhabited by a largely indigenous population rather than Spanish colonizers. It is a center for witchcraft, has some of the best cuisine in...

Volcano Climbing in Arequipa

Arequipa, the attractive "White City" in Southern Peru, is surrounded by three volcanic mountain ranges: the Cordillera Volcanica, the Cordillera de Ampato and the Cordillera de Chila. The volcanoes have provided interesting findings for archeologists as it has been discovered that the Incas used to...

Machu Picchu Mystery

One of the greatest unsolved mysteries of South American civilization is Machu Picchu. The ancient Inca city looks like a dream and reality surpasses the imagination. Situated between the crest of two mountains along the Peruvian Andes at more than 2,400 meters above sea level, the almost intact remains...


Whew! Well, I must have ate something bad, becuase I was pretty sick for a little while...Luckily, thanks to the F word and Mr L, I was put up in the Lima Sheraton for a few days, which allowed me to get better in style. Then I met up with Chris and we headed up to Trujillo, which is the jumping off...

5 Days of Fun!

Machu Picchu! We did it! We did a 5 day trek over the Salkanty mountain, which took us to a height of 4600 meters (15,180 ft) into the cold and then down to 1500 meters into the jungle, finally ending at Machu Picchu. It was a hard hike, but very rewarding at the end. Before going to Machu Picchu we...

Titty Caca

Haha, I can actually say that without feeling like I am disrespectful! We are near Lake Titicaca, in Puno, Peru. According to the Peruvians, they got the Titi and Bolivia got the Caca. The funny thing is that Bolivia actually has the more beautiful side of the lake. There are a bunch of mountains surrounding...

Hiram Bingham 1875 - 1956 : PERU, Machu Picchu ve Vilcabamba

Hiram Bingham , Peru 'da Amerikalı arkeolog, Yale'de profesör, senatör. Peru Andlarında ulaşılması neredeyse olanaksız olan Machu Picchu 'da İnka başkenti Vilcabamba 'yı 1911'de bulmuştur.Çocukken babasından öğrendiği dağcılık bilgisi ile, kararlılık ve cesareti birleşince bulduğu kent; İspanyol istilacılarınyüzyıllarca...