Bayram Cigerli Blog

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1910s etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
1910s etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

1910 and 1920 Apron Inspiration

I found these lovely 1914 and 1922 apron images while browsing Etsy.Aren't they lovely! From a 1914 catalog. See Vintage Ad Gallery for more details.These three are from a Women's Institute of Art and Science booklet on Aprons and Caps for sale by Sew Much Fripp...

Red Cross Knitting

I have been doing a little genealogy with my sister lately. We came across this newspaper article. It made me laugh! Cynthia French is my 4th great grandmother. Dated Aug 3, 1918 in the mist of the first World W...

Danity Aprons

Here are two new aprons to the collection. Both are white. One a picked up at an antique store and I think is late 20s early 30s. Defiantly a "hostess" apron. Tea anyone?An advertisement for a similar apron from the early 30s.A closer look at the lovely detail.  My Grandma gave this one to...

Unsung Sewing Patterns

Poking around on the internet, I always keep an eye open for new and interesting apron pictures or patterns. When I found Unsung Sewing Patterns I hit the jackpot! This website is all about the everyday ordinary patterns, the pajamas, nightgowns, aprons, uniforms, smocks and costumes. The...