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Weekend Recap: Blissful for No Reason

This weekend was simply wonderful. However, there was nothing magnificent that happened... and I did my own thing mostly; but I really, really enjoyed myself. 

Friday I worked a half day then took off to Greensboro, NC to take care of my grandmother who is recovering from a brutal neck surgery. My Papa is still recovering from a double leg break in March, and even though he is a LOT better, they still needed help around the house. They are my anchors, so I take advantage of any excuse to go to stay with them. 

When I arrived to Greensboro, I ran a couple of errands for my grandmother; picked up medicines and a neck pad, picked up her favorite magazine "Marie Claire", and a couple of Redbox movies. I wanted to do anything to try and lift her spirits. She is super active just like I am, so being down was not fun for her. 
Once I arrived to their house, I cleaned up and some organizing. Then my Papa and I made steaks vegetables on the grill. We always grill out when I come up, it's one of my favorite things to do with them. 
I must have been more tired than I thought; because after dinner, I spent time with my grandma then I was asleep by 10 PM. That is unheard of for me on the weekends. 

Saturday morning I was up really early getting the rest of the cleaning done. As I was about to leave to drive back to Charlotte, my grandma called me into her bedroom and surprised me with the cutest new purse. She said she saw it at DSW before her surgery and thought I would love it. She knows me so well; black and white purses are my favorite!
I arrived back to Charlotte around 1 PM. I was so fatigued from the long drive and waking up early to clean, that I did not feel like working out. I decided to do laundry and clean my apartment instead. 

Once I got that out of the way, I had a burst of energy. However, I did not want to go out to dinner or drinking, so I wasn't sure what I was going to do. I realized that I had a ton of errands I needed to get out of the way, and decided to take a shower and get ready, and make an evening of it.

Little did I know just how fun an evening of running errands could be, ha.

My first stop was Starbucks. I was craving my favorite blackberry tea. When I drove up to the window, the Barista was being so flirty -- I don't know even if he was 18 yet! I then went to pay for my drink, but he handed my debit card back to me and told me it was on the house. I never get hit on, so I thought it was super cute. I will be a cougar in no time!

After Starbucks I ran by Kohls and PetSmart. Then I picked up a sweet treat at my favorite cupcake place in the world; SAS. Look at all of the options they have! I chose the Neapolitan one. It was really good, but too much icing. I am opposite from a lot of people: my favorite part of a cupcake is the bread. Icing makes me nauseous. 
After I picked up my treat, I went to Target then Ulta. "Sexy Hair" products were on sale for buy 1 get 1 free, I had a coupon for a free Calvin Klein mascara, and then another coupon for $3.50 off my total purchase. Yep, just being a diva on a budget. 

As I walk up to the check out counter, I noticed one of my old co-workers from Urban Active Fitness was working at the register. When it was my turn, I was walked up to him and said "Hey stranger!". He blankly stared at me for a second, then realized who I was. He did not even recognize me because he said I looked so different. I have not seen him in a LONG time and he could not believe how much weight I have lost. It was one of the best feelings in the world. He then me gave me all kinds of free samples with my purchase. My night was officially made.
After I left Ulta, I ran into the grocery store. As I was walking out, a man rolled down the window in his jeep and complimented my wedge heels. I could not believe what all was happening, but damn it was great! At that point, I wished I had more errands to run so hopefully this positivity would keep coming, ha! But it was late and I was tired, so I went home. 
Sunday I was well rested and ready to hike. I took off to the mountains and had 10 miles on my agenda. It was very hot, but I like it that way. I like sweating out toxins and water weight. I felt "hulk" like strength when I started, and power walked almost the entire time. I was even making better time than when I interval train with jogging. However, the last quarter mile leading up the mountain started to kick my butt. I was hurting bad. Then after that quarter mile, I had another quarter mile of 350 steps that lead to the very top. I thought I was going to die at this point; my side was hurting and my heart was beating out of my chest. I did not stop, I put one foot in front of the other, and I made it!
Once I finished my hike, I drove home so I could clean up and get ready for church. It was part 5 and the last week of the series #DeathToSelfie. As usual, it was food for soul. I think this sermon was probably the one I needed most. The topic was about something I always try to live by: turning pain into strength, sorrow into happiness. You can call something like it is... but how easy is that? Call it what you want it to be and make it change. 
After church, I excitedly drove to the movies to see "The Giver". I am so happy this book was turned into a movie. To make it even better, I gained enough points for a free movie ticket! "The Giver" was a wonderful movie; but it needed to be a lot longer than it was. There were so many details left out, and it felt kind of rushed. I did learn though, that they are making more of them, so it should workout. It is definitely worth seeing though. The message in it is beautiful. 
Today is my last Monday off for "summer hours". I have thoroughly enjoyed my 3-day weekends. I slept in, food prepped, lifted weights, and now it's time catch up on blogs and get some writing done. 

Fun in the Sun Weekend Recap (I'm back!)

I think I am finally back to normal. I feel like myself again, so more weird blog posts or writings. Well, who knows about that as I am a weird person at times. Ha. This weekend I basically had a "snap out of moment", which almost instantly brought me back into being my usual self. I was so sick and tired of feeling sad all of the time. That's not me, that is not how I live my life, and the last thing I want to do is derail off of my hard work- be it my blog, the gym, anything. I have really worked hard over the past 9 months and I want to keep going. I just want to be more mindful and not burn myself out like I did a few weeks ago.

Friday after a busy day at work, I went to the gym as normal. I busted through my plateau and now I am at 60 pounds lost since November 25th. It was my favorite workout - legs! Since Saturday was to be a rest day, I really wanted to push hard and I definitely did.

After the gym, I came home to feed Marty and take a shower, then I took off to Greensboro for an impromptu trip to stay with my grandmother. She is taking a trip to Florida this week so I will not be able to see her until the end of the month, plus she had an idea for Saturday, so she asked me to come. Of course I obliged. Once I arrived to her house, we spent the evening chatting in the outdoor room and I was able to get in some good reading time. I am currently reading "The Happiness Project". I absolutely love going to grandparents, that is my home. I sleep the best and relax the best there, which felt like paradise for me after the last few weeks I have had.

Saturday morning we woke up and she took me to a vinegar and oil store. This place was great! I am trying to veer away from using oils when I cook or marinate meats and vegetables. I consume my essential fats through nuts so I don't need oils. This store was so awesome because one could make their own natural vinaigrette or oils! The ingredients are real, raw, fresh, and organic. You know exactly what you are making and purchasing. I opted for a light vinaigrette with pineapple. It is unbelievably delicious, I swear I could drink it. My grandmother made a dark cherry vinaigrette.

After our fabulous trip at the vinegar store, I drove back to Charlotte. My legs were sore from my workout, and all of that driving did not help my energy or soreness. Driving makes me so tired too. I spent most of the afternoon writing. I am happy to say that I am making great progress with my book. 
I had plans for the evening, but they fell apart. Which was probably the best thing that has happened to me because it woke me up. It was a light bulb moment that really needed to happen. After that, I decided to call it a night early and get a good amount of sleep.

I woke up Sunday still feeling sore but I wanted to spend the day out. I decided I wanted to be happy. It's that simple. I decided to let go of the negative feelings I have been pouring myself into and be "me" again. I made myself a protein packed breakfast, packed my back pack, then drove to the mountains to go hiking. It has been a month since I have hiked! I can't believe it. Since I started hiking 6 months ago, I rarely ever miss a weekend-- but due to my state of mind lately, the weather, and a lot of travel it has been hard. 

The weather was very hot, but beautiful. Once I started on my 10-mile strenuous trail, I immediately felt rejuvenated and energetic. It was a strong hike. Though I have not hiked in a few weeks, I have still been training hard at the gym. Pushing myself on the StairMill 5 days a week has really helped with hiking. I climbed the mountain in record time, both up and down. It was awesome! 

After my hike, I drove back home to take a shower and get cleaned up for church. 

I attend a church called Elevation occasionally. When I was younger, I detested going to church, but when I moved to Charlotte a few years ago, I really felt it on my heart to try this place, so I did. I am definitely not a "holier than thou" person, but this church lifts my spirits and heals my soul so much. I love the loud music, the lights, the band, and the pastor, Steven Furtick (who is a New York Times best selling author) makes me understand the Bible and use God's word in my everyday life. 

I knew I needed to go. I probably need it more than ever right now. As expected, the service was wonderful. Next week the church is starting a 6 week series called #DeathToSelfie, which I am equally curious and nervous about because I am definitely in trouble. Ha!

After church was finished, I ran by the grocery store then went to the movies. I had a free ticket so I decided to use it and see "Jersey Boys". I have to admit I was disappointed. I liked the story and it was a "good" movie, but it was a bit boring. Maybe I felt this way because I do not appreciate "The Four Seasons" like someone who was a die hard fan.

I was off of work today since I am working summer hours-- three day weekend and four 10-hour work days throughout the week. When I woke up this morning, I was the sorest I have been in months. I never want to go a month without hiking again; my legs are paying for it.

I pushed myself to clean my apartment then I laid out by the pool all afternoon. Today was actually the first pool day I have had all summer. Now I can't wait to have more. It was so much fun. I made a delicious cocktail, which I call "The Fitness Blondie Cu-Come On Over Summer Cocktail". It is 1 1/2 shots of Skinnygirl cucumber vodka, fresh sliced cucumber, 1/4 cup of lemon seltzer water, a dash of lime juice, ice and then blended together! It's refreshing, light, and keeps you hydrated. I sipped on my drink, read on my Kindle, played in the pool, got some good sun, and made a new girlfriend. (Hi Alyssa, can't wait to hang out more girl!)

The Hump Day blog hop will be back Wednesday along with the magazine giveaway winners, plus my Weekly Training and Nutrition Plan. Thanks for sticking with me through this time guys!

Try Quest Protein Bars!

A wonderful weekend recap with a progress picture!

Oh, baby! There is not much better than a 3-day weekend. Especially when it is filled with friends and family. I have been thoroughly enjoying myself!

Friday, I was really, really tired. It was freezing in Charlotte, too. My body is not made for this cold weather we have been having lately. I worked all day, and on my lunch hour went to my doctor to get my weekly vitamin B12 injection. As always, I has them weigh me. I lost 2 pounds last week! I am now down 25 pounds since November 25th. Only 15 more pounds until I am back to my normal weight before all of the medical issues I endured last year. But I am not stopping there. When I think about it, it really sucks that I have been working so damn hard over the past 8 weeks and that I am trying to get back to where I was a year ago. It depresses me, but bad things are going to happen in life and we just have to keep going.

Thankfully after work, it was my rest day from the gym. I could barely keep my eyes open so I was looking forward to going home. However, I went to Target and Harris Teeter to get groceries first. While in the store, I had the funnest recipe pop into my head to make for dinner! I have decided to name it "Fit Spinach Lasagna Rolls". They are absolutely delicious. I will have the recipe up soon. I need to ensure the nutritional information and write the recipe out. I was kind of winging it Friday night!

I paired it with a glass of "Roscato" (Thanks Meredith!) and dinner was delicious. I also watched "The Butler" - which by the way was a great movie!

I ended up falling asleep at 10:30 and got a solid 9 hours of sleep. It was glorious! I woke up ready to go Saturday morning at 7:30. I was productive, too! I did a load of laundry and packed for my grandparent's. I went to the gym around 10. All I can say is, holy shit what a work out! It was such a good training session. A good carbohydrate load the night before, a solid night of sleep, and a rest day from the gym made for the best work out. I did 30 minutes on the Ellitpical, a 12 minute inclined walk - on the highest level, and then did an upper body weight circuit. I was soaked when I left. 

It was then time to go back to the apartment and get ready so I could drive to Greensboro for the night!


I drove 2 and half hours north of Charlotte to stay with my grandparents for the night. I did not see them over Christmas, so we needed to catch up. I am insanely close with them; they are like another set of parents to me. 

Oh, and how beautiful is their home? 

(^ My bedroom)

I had the best time, I always do. My grandmother is my best friend. We can talk for hours and it feels like 5 minutes. For dinner, my Papa grilled porkchops and my grandmother prepared salad's. They would not let me help so I enjoyed myself reading my Kindle by the fire in the sunroom. It was so cozy, especially with it not only being so cold, but windy.

Papa loves to talk and tell me old stories about when he was growing up. They are hilarious. He told me literally about how he had to walk to school in the snow when he lived in New York. True story - hilarious.

Finally, dinner was ready. Every time I stay with my grandparents, papa grills me porkchops. I normally never eat them, but his have the key to my heart. They are spicy, tasty, and most of all; tender.

After dinner I was in a food coma. My grandmother and I talked more, then I settled in upstairs to read and relax. Unfortunately, I slept like crap. I fell asleep around 11 PM, but kept waking up every single hour. I finally gave up on sleep at 7:30 AM. I have been paying for it today. I have been SO, so tired. I had breakfast with my grandmother then took off back to Charlotte shortly after.

When I got back to the apartment I cleaned up some then it the gym. Only 40 minutes of cardio on the Elliptical today. That was all I had in me. Tomorrow since I am off of work, I am going early in the afternoon when the gym is most empty and killing my legs I can't. After the gym, I food prepped.

Whoo, I am glad that is done. Lastly, I wanted to share a progress picture! I am down 25 pounds total, but the below picture is a 12 pound difference. It feels great to see results. I am just going to keep pushing!

I am officially toast, so tired. I am settled in to watch the Grammy's. I can't wait to see Beyonce open the show. How was your weekend?