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hiking etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
hiking etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Pre-Birthday Weekend Fun with Mom

Mom and I had a lot of fun planned for the weekend. Unfortunately, her Multiple Sclerosis had other plans. I really, really want to complain and tell you how this disease ruins everything, all of the time, for fun things I want to do with my mom. It has been this way 9 years now. Not to mention seeing...

Fun in the Sun Weekend Recap (I'm back!)

I think I am finally back to normal. I feel like myself again, so more weird blog posts or writings. Well, who knows about that as I am a weird person at times. Ha. This weekend I basically had a "snap out of moment", which almost instantly brought me back into being my usual self. I was so sick and...

The Girl Who Runs Through Fire

It was a hard weekend. If you read this post, you know that I had an extremely busy week. It was a good week; very productive, but it took so much out of me. I am a giver. If I love someone or something I give and give and give. Sometimes you give so much, that there is nothing left in you. On Friday...

A Weekend of Happiness, a House Party, and Hiking!

What a great weekend! It was busy and super fun, just how I like it. Friday I thought they day would never end. It was a long, long day. I went to visit on my doctor on my lunch hour for my B12 injection and to weigh. I weighed exactly the same this week as I did last week, however, I did lose 1.4 pounds...

Sprang forward into an amazing weekend!

Hey guys! I hope you all are enjoying your weekend, and if you live in a state that lost an hour of sleep today (I do), I hope that it is not effecting you too much. I for one have had the best weekend! My work and training are my two priorities throughout the week so on the weekends I like to really...