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Education etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Education etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Machine learning aims to allow computers to be able to make more human-like decisions

Machine learning aims to allow computers to be able to make more human-like decisions

Global law firm DWF, which helps the in-house legal teams of large corporations, is another 

Piero Tintori says he was even contacted directly by a number of governments

Piero Tintori says he was even contacted directly by a number of governments

With the firm's headquarters in Dublin, plus offices in the US, Australia and Poland, it uses Amazon's cloud computing system Amazon 

Better Examinations' technology keeps an eye on exam-sitters via their webcams

Better Examinations' technology keeps an eye on exam-sitters via their webcams

The phones began ringing off the hook at Piero Tintori's company Better Examinations back in April.

Remote-learning technology just isn't good enough and won't be soon

Remote-learning technology just isn't good enough and won't be soon

Home schooling in the coronavirus pandemic has been the time for educational technology to shine, but flaws have meant it hasn't lived up to its promise, says Justin Reich