You know how sometimes you go into a motivation rabbit hole and you just can't climb back out into the light? I have been going to work earlier than normal and it's dark all the time and a glass of wine and a movie has been sounding way more appealing than suiting up and going running. Not to say that nothing is getting done. I have been revamping the backyard, which is my excuse for not running...
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October etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
October etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Looking Back: October & November
By Coğrafya Blogcusu at 04:50
2016, BOOKS, lists, Looking Back, November, October, Recap
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Looking Back: October
By Rohat Fatih at 03:00
2015, lists, Looking Back, October, reading, Recap, Running, Travel
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Another October is in the books! Finally, a month with a good mix of friends, family, work, running and getting things knocked off my To Do List (which is no mean feat). I had a couple of weekends at home, which, although they weren't "quiet", did give me a chance to get some things done that I have been wanting to do for a long time (like planting that darn orange tree in the back yard)!Running:...
Looking Back: October

November is well under way, and like many have said before, October was a full and busy month, which of course made it go by quickly! Reading: October was not a great reading month; I finished two books, which I liked, and started two books, which I could not get into and did not end up finishing. The...
Looking Back: October

After the month of September, where I did a lot of running but no races, October was the month of races but not as many miles. Having a couple of taper weeks really gave me a chance to do something besides running for a change! Here are some of the highlights of October:Lake MerrittRunning: Like I said,...
Then and Now: October

Another month over, another month closer to a new year. October was a fun filled month and I love sitting down and looking for photos to put on my monthly round up. However, as I was sorting photos to do this post, I got a little sad. Last year in October, I went to California, Missouri, Massachusetts,...
Currently: October
Current Book - Running The Rift - Naomi BenaronCurrent Favorite Celebrity - My boy Crawford. Love the curls buddy. Don't cut them off! Current Drink - Avocado Smoothie: 1 avocado, 1 cup coconut milk, handful of ice, bit of sugar. YUM. Current Excitement - GIANTS! I got tickets to the NLCS game...
Then and Now: October
By bayramcigerli at 03:30
Berreaux, lists, Lucy the Dog, Mr Lovely, October, Photos, Recap, Red, Then and Now, Throwback, Travel
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Happy Halloween! I hope everyone had a great month of October! Do you remember where you were a year ago?In October 2010, I was literally half way around the world. It was a busy month, filled with adventures. I met a bunch of new people, had Everest in my sights, experienced the effects of altitude,...